I Know (Ch.13)

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My eyes opened wide as my mouth went dry. What do I say? 'Sorry I faked my death and totally depressed you guys while you were in the games'. Ya no. I just stood there and looked between them. My eyes finally landed on Finnick. I completely lost my breath. Just looking at him made my knees go weak. His messy golden hair had fallen on to his face. His beautiful green tired eyes were filled with shock as he stared back at me.

"Aria y-you I thought you were dead!" Katniss managed to stutter out as her she ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I thought I was too." I hugged her back just as tightly. "It's kind of a long story." I trailed off looking at her hopefully.

"Gale?" She pulled away and looked behind me seeing Gale with his hand on my back.

"Katnip." He smiled and went over to hug her. She seemed really over whelmed. This was a lot to take in.

I went over to Beetee and hugged him. He didn't say much. He probably didn't know what to say to me. Finally I got to Haymitch.

I slapped him.

"What the hell was that for!?" He yelled holding his cheek.

"That was for making me believe I was dead." Then I hugged him tightly, "And this is for saving my family. Thank you." I pulled away smiling at him.

"I knew you were going to be a game changer from the minute you stepped in to the games." He smiled lazily.

"And thank you Heavesbee. You're a really good actor. Here I thought you were just another asshole pet of Snow's. Thank you for helping me." I say shaking his hand.

"All for the greater good Girl Alive." He smiled covering my hand with his. Before I could say anything I felt myself being dragged out of the building.

We finally stopped outside the building in an isolate place. I looked up in to Finnick's eyes. He was fuming. 

"I should hate you for leaving me in there alone. I should hate you for almost dying. I should hate you for breaking my heart. I should hate you for almost getting rid of the most amazing thing in my life." He said not breaking his eye contact with me.

"Finnick I'm sorry I didn't know this was going to happen I thought I was going to die-"

"Shut up." 

"Excuse me?"

"I wasn't finished. I've heard you babble on and on since the day I met you. Now it's my turn to talk." Finnick said seriously.

Well geez missed you too.

"I should hate you for so many reasons. But I don't. After you jumped off that damn cliff I thought I had lost you forever. I was so fucking upset.  You know what, I wasn't upset I was fucking pissed Aria. You've been screwed over a thousand times by the Capitol and by us. None of us were smart enough to look for you when you disappeared 6 years ago. You had every reason to hate us but you didn't. Instead you helped us. You even tried sacrificing yourself for us. I've never once heard you yell or scream about what your frustrated about. You always keep your feelings and pain to yourself and I hate it."


"I'm not done yet." He said walking even closer to me anger evident in his eyes, " Fuck you for jumping off that cliff. Don't you ever try and hurt yourself for us again. I mean it. Aria I'm trying so hard to be pissed at you right now. All I want to do is grab you and kiss you senselessly. Fuck you for making me care this much. Fuck you for doing this to me. I'm a Capitol prostitute I don't get feelings for other people. Fuck you Aria. Fuck you for making me fall in love with you."

Everything stopped. I blinked a few times to shake myself out of this. No this was real. This was happening. Between the thousand times he said the word 'fuck' he told me he loved me.

This is bad.

This is really really bad.

"You don't mean that. You can't love me Finnick." I say looking at him shaking my head. Wow deja vu.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him in one motion, "What have I always said about you telling me what I can and can't do."

"To never tell you what you can and can't do."

And with that his lips were on mine. The kiss was hungry and rough. I wrapped arms around his neck bring myself closer to him. He wrapped of his hands around my waist and the other roamed around my back. He bent down and lifted me up not removing his lips. My feet were legitimately hanging in the air. He he licked my bottom lip for entrance. I missed this way to much to tease him. I immediately opened and out tongues danced around together. I finally managed to pull away for some oxygen.

"Finnick," I say breathing heavily, " you know I can't promise that I won't get myself in trouble for you guys."

"I know. I just wish that you would care about yourself as much as you care about everyone else." He says resting his forehead on mine.

"Why so my ego can get just as big as yours?" I joked.

"I've missed your snarky comments." He smirked and held my hand guiding me back in to the building.

"Aria," He stopped me before going back in to the building, "I love you."

"I know." 

Before he could say anything else I stepped back in to the room.

Why did I just say I know. I love him too. But I just can't say it.

"Aria right in time! Let's get started!" President Coin started.

Finnick walked in behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wait something's wrong. Where's Peeta and Johanna?" I said looking around.

Haymitch hung his head low and approached me slowly, "Aria, they still had their trackers in. The Capitol got them." 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this is short it was kind of a filler before we get to the good stuff! I felt like you all deserved a little more Aria and Finnick action! This hasn't been edited so please excuse any grammatical issues! 

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