The Girl Alive Is Back (Ch. 2)

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I was escorted back to my room after talking or um yelling at snow. The next few days after that was just a lot of me waiting and waiting.

Waiting to see if I can go back to District 10. I was suppose to be reaped so I was just waiting to see what was going to happen.

Unfortunately, Snow made his call on that situation. I was not allowed to go back because it would be to much of a 'hassle' to take me there and back. Instead they left me in my room handcuffed in front of the projector to watch the readings. I actually hadn't met any of the previous victors. The Capitol didn't let me go on a Victory Tour and they didn't let me mentor. I was basically as familiar to this situation as Katniss and Peeta were.

I knew of some of the victors though. I knew Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta from 4. Not personally but I knew that Finnick was the Capitol's Golden Boy. I knew Annie Cresta was the crazy girl. Johanna Mason from 7 looked a little crazy if you ask me. I knew others like Cashmere, Gloss, Wiress, Beetee, Chaff, and others.

I wondered if they knew me. I knew of them but I don't know if they even remember the 15 year old girl from 10.

Finally, I saw the readings from 10 I saw my previous mentor Karlie and a few male victors I didn't recognize. I guess Karlie was the only other female victor other than me. The male reaping came first. Tammy our districts escort called out the name Talon Zeedar. A tall, well built man stepped onto the stage. His face showed anger and strength. He was one guy I didn't plan on pissing off. Next it was the female reaping. My heart beat quickened all though I knew it would be me I didn't know how they would go about introducing me.

Tammy spoke, "Now for our female tribute! Now it is obvious that there is only one female victor presently on stage but out lovely President Snow has made it clear that Karlie will not be going in to the Quarter Quell!" Gasps rose from the audience and Karlie as well. "The female tribute will be none other than our beloved Aria Moulson!" The crowd was silent. The camera showed Talon who stood still as a slight smirk graced his lips.

My breathe hitched. Why would he smirk? Why isn't anyone saying anything?

Just then a teenage boy leaped on stage. I didn't know who he was. He grabbed Tammy's microphone and spoke in it.

"Then there is still hope for us all." He rose three fingers as a sign of respect. The rest of the crowd followed.

I felt tears fill my eyes. They remembered me. They still believed in me. They still want me to win.

Just then the boy was thrown off the stage by a peacekeeper who now held a gun up to his head.

I gasped hard. "No no no no! WHAT ARE THE DOING?! HE'S JUST A KID!!!" I yelled out towards the projector. I closed my eyes and turned away from the projector. The peacekeeper pulled the trigger and I heard the gun shot a long with screams and gasps.

That boy died for me. I didn't even know who he was. He was dead.

I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes as I heard knocking on the door.

"10 minutes before departure Ms. Moulson. " A voice from the outside said.

I sat in silence as I finished watching the reaping. It cut to Ceasar speaking about the reaping.

"How exciting! The return of our Capitol favorite Aria Moulson! I personally haven't seen her in a very long time I can only imagine the excitement buzzing through Panem about her return!"

They were talking about me! They still remember me!

"I have to say her games were by far the most moving and intense. She caused quite a stir didn't she!" Ceasar laughed along with his co-host.

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