Ceasar Got Quite The Show (Ch. 5)

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Today was interview day. The most pivotal pre-game moment. It's the day you show off to the sponsors and all of Panem. But this day was going to go differently. The main objective for us all if to guilt the Capitol and the President in to calling off the games. I still had no idea what I was going to say to help change my fate. I spent my morning lying in bed thinking of what's to come.

I know I keep talking about going in to the games but it really doesn't feel like I am. This all just feels like a really horrible nightmare I will wake up from soon. I don't even know where to begin. I'm so tired of putting on a smile on my face when all I want to do is cry. But I learned my lesson in the 69th Hunger Games. Crying only makes things worse. My emotions cost me the rest of my life.

My day leading up to the interviews was quite uneventful. It was a 'lazy' day for the victors. It was a time we needed to spend on paying close attention on what we tell Ceasar. I still had no idea what I wanted to tell him. I would just wing it.

Jonah came in a few hours prior to the interview to help me get ready.

He put my hair and makeup like this: http://www.bopandtigerbeat.com/2011/05/lucy-hale-wants-to-steal-shay-mitchells-hair-products/

As for my dress: http://www.shortdressesshop.com/long-chiffon-dress-p-13937.html

I thanked him a hundred time because I looked absolutely,

"Stunning." Jonah breathed out pleased with himself. "But, there's more to this dress than what meets the eye Aria. When it is coming towards the end of your interview you need to spin one time in your dress. Don't ask me why, you just must wait and see."

I nodded quickly and met Talon by the elevator his suit was a very plain black one. I guess his stylist wasn't on her A game today. He didn't say a word to me so we just rode down in the elevator in complete silence.

We were greeted by four peacekeepers who were going to escort us to the interview center. The did this is complete silence as well.

We finally go to the center and were met by the other victors all waiting around. I saw Katniss and Peeta and went over to them. Peeta looked very handsome and Katniss looked very, weddingy. She was wearing a very large and detailed wedding dress.

And I could say about them was, "You guys look absolutely amazing."

Johanna walked right beside me laughing a little. "A wedding dress? Really Girl on Fire?"

"Snow made me wear it." Katniss responded.

"Then make him pay for it." Johanna smirking at her then walking away.

"She's really something isn't she?" I said laughing.

"You too look amazing Aria." Peeta sad while Katniss nodded.

"Thank you guys but I'm really nervous. I don't even know what to say. I've been gone 6 years and suddenly I'm thrown up there again. It's kind of uncomfortable."

"You'll be fine just be the chipper charming girl you always are." Katniss said laughed a little.

"My my look how incredible we all look tonight! And what a sight to see! The Girl Alive speaking with the star -crossed lovers! I'm feeling as though I'm in the midst of royalty or something!" Finnick said approaching us and putting a hand on Peeta's shoulder. "Ladies you both look gorgeous tonight. " Katniss scoffed at him and looked at Finnick quizzically.

"What are you planning on talking about tonight Finnick? More about how amazing and talented you are I suppose?" Katniss asked challenging him.

"No although I should the Capitol is already aware that I am those things. I'm going to talk about someone I am very taken with tonight. Persuade the Capitol in to renouncing the Quarter Quell." Wow good answer Finn. "What about you star crossed lovers?"

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