We've Been Waiting For You (Ch.12)

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"Now now, we have much to do Girl Alive so let's get started!" President Coin said clapping her hands.

"With all do respect President Coin is there a way we can relax and look around first? Gale and I have been through quite a lot." I say as humbly as possible. 

"Yes I understand dear but I can't give you much time. We have much to plan and the games are still going on. Please join me in my office in half an hour to discuss."

Me and Gale nod. I let out a deep breath after she left.

"Wow I can't believe how much different she is from Snow."  Gale said in complete disbelief.

"This is all so weird. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up from all of this. It doesn't feel real." I say looking around at the ruined District. We earned a few happy glances from some of the people. Some waved and some stared in complete disbelief. 

They've been expecting us.

"Gale they're staring."

"Ya I can see that I'm not blind." He stated obviously.

"Gale don't try and get an attitude with me."

"Okay mom."

"You know what Gale- Oof!" I bumped in to someone. It was a woman who seemed to be in her 40's-50's. "I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going."

The woman looked up at me. She looked so familiar. She had my same brown hair and her face looked soft and delicate. Her brown eyes widened as she met my gaze. Her breath caught up in her throat as she looked in disbelief.

I knew who she was and I could already feel the tears filling my eyes.

"Oh my God." I whispered.

"Aria are you okay?" Gale asked looking between my and the woman. "Do you know her?"

"That's my mom." I chocked out.

"Aria." She said as her tears spilled over.

"Mom." I grabbed her and hugged her tight.

Gale stepped back in complete shock.

"Mom you're alive. I thought you were dead." I sobbed in to her shoulder.

"You can't get rid of us Moulson's that easily. Just look at you!" She joked and she pulled away wiping her eyes.

"H-how did you survive? How are you here. Where's Aden and Grandma are they okay??" I said completely frazzled. 

"Hold your horses Ar. Everyone's okay! We left District 10 six years ago after you won the games. A man named Haymitch came to us and told us that you were going to win but you winning would cause a lot of trouble. He said that if we didn't leave immediately that we were going to be in big trouble. So we packed our bags and fled."

I nodded, "Haymitch is one crazy son of a bitch." She smiled and laughed.

"Oh I'm sorry mom this is Gale." I say gesturing over to him.

"Is this your boyfriend? Hi it's nice to meet you I'm Emily Moulson." My mom said shaking his hand.

"Oh n-no he's my friend that I actually only met yesterday." I say shaking my head.

"He's a handsome guy why wouldn't you be together?! Do you not think my daughter is attractive?" She inquired staring at Gale.

"No your daughter is gorgeous! She's has someone else and we're only friends." Gale quickly sputtered out.

"That's so nice you think I'm gorgeous?" I say looking at him.

"Really as if you didn't know." He retorted.

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