Time to Take Back Our Lives(Ch. 14)

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"Please, don't make me say it again Aria." Haymitch said looking straight in to my eyes sadly.

"Is anyone trying to get them!? We have to do something! Katniss??" I yelled looking over at her. She looked at my sadly before turning away obviously trying to hold back her tears. "I-is anyone? I-I.." Honestly I have no idea what I was trying to say.

"Aria we can't do anything about it right now. The Capitol upset enough as it is. We can't go and get them." Finnick says coming around to face me.

"Believe me, if I thought I could go save him I would." Katniss says turning to look at me. More like glaring at me.

"This is quite a set back but we still need to move forward." Coin says clapping her hands to get our attention.

My mind is all over the place. I know that I can't get Peeta or Johanna back. At least not right now. But I can't focus clearly thinking of all the awful things they could be doing to them.

"Aria prepare something to say. You will be delivering a speech to District 13. This is our final chance to rally them all together. It's time to take back our lives from the Capitol." Coin says writing something down.

"With all do respect President Coin, I don't think I can do this. I can't focus right now." I say leaning back in to my chair.

"I'm sorry but this isn't a choice. This has to come from you. We don't have much time left. This isn't the life you wanted I get that. But it's the one you got. Don't waste it Ms. Moulson." She said clamping her hands together looking at me seriously.

I nod. Looks like I don't have a choice. Again.

Let me just run down to everyone what's happening. So basically, 6 years ago I won the 69th Hunger Games. After I won I was denied the right to go home and was kept at the Capitol. For the first year I was a show dog. I entertained. After creating uprisings I was locked away in the Presidents house. Fast forwards 5 years later, people are still asking about me and still rooting for me. So the President tries to get rid of me once and for all by throwing me in to the Quarter Quell. Lucky for me *sarcasm* I managed to fall in love with Finnick Odair and befriend so many of my competitors. Then, I threw myself off a cliff in the middle of the games thinking I would just die. Ya no. Turn out that the plan was always for me to survive. I was put in a hovercraft with a guy named Gale who told me my home, District 10 was blown up. Now I'm here at 13 as the First Mockingjay.

Funny how life works huh?

Get this, the best part is that this is all just the beginning of the end.

"Aria?" Finnick asks waving his hand I'm front of my face.

"Ya huh what?" I respond shaking my head.

"Let's get some air you have a lot to take in." He says guiding me out the door. I just nod and follow.

We finally get outside. I would say that the fresh air helped but it didn't. Nothing could help me at this point.



"I love you."

"I know Finnick."

He stops in front of me cutting off my steps. "Why can't you say it back?"


"No don't 'Finnick' me. Do you not love me?! I thought we felt the same way about each other. What happened in the games then? Was it all for show? God dammit Aria don't tell me that you don't feel the same way because I know you love me too." He said staring at me angrily.

I Was The First Mockingjay (Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now