He's Kicked It Up A Few Notches (Ch. 8)

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Finnick had gone in to the water and sat in the shallow area. I sighed and looked at him.

"What's wrong Aria?" Peeta asked as he came to sit down next to me.

I scoffed and kept looking forward. "Did you ever think your life would be like this? I mean did you ever think as a kid things like this could happen to us?"

"No. But I don't think any person planned for this."

"The President did. He's planned this for a long time coming."

"Ya well Snow isn't really a person he's more of a monster." Peeta said nudging me.

"Ya that's true." I said looking at Finnick again.

"Why do you keep looking at him?" Peeta asked looking at me quizzically.

"I don't know."

"You know he loves you right?"

"You can't love someone like me. I'm toxic. Besides, you can't fall in love with someone in this short amount of time." I said still looking at him.

"You'd think so right? But, love makes you do crazy things. Makes you say crazy things. Makes you feel crazy ways. Love is just-"

"Crazy." I said smiling at him. "Why have you been so nice to me from the beginning?"

"I guess we always have a soft spot in our hearts for our first crush." He said laughing.

"Shut up." I said laughing. "I'm gonna go see how he's doing." I say motioning to Finnick. Peeta just nodded as I went over.

I sat down beside him in the water. "I'm sorry about Mags, Finnick. I should've gone with you guys. I could've helped."

"No. She wouldn't have lasted very long either ways. She's in a better place now."

"Anywhere is better than here." I say playing with the water.

"I don't know about that. I mean when your sitting next to me smiling, this place doesn't seem half bad." He said grinning at me.

I just smile back. "I guess it's okay with you around." I say leaning on Finnick.

"Okay happy couple we need to go get some food." Katniss said to us standing behind us.

"Ya you're right." I say getting up and walking towards the forest.

"Wow Katniss way to ruin a moment." Finnick said from behind me.

"This is the Hunger Games. This isn't time for you to find love." Katniss said clearly annoyed with Finnick.

"Easy for you to say. Shouldn't you be with your star-crossed lover?" He said mocking her.

I turned around. "Both of you knock it off! Johanna," I said turning to where she was lying in the sand. "Keep and eye on Wiress and Beetee while we're gone. Don't do anything stupid Jo." I warned her. She rolled her eyes and went over to the District 3 tributes.

"Let's go." I said leading the way with Peeta, Katniss, and Finnick.

We made our way in to the forest. Everything was pretty ordinary. I felt two hands go around my waist.

"Finnick stop it! Now isn't the time for this!" I said continuing to walk forward.

"Time for what? I'm just holding on to my girl." He said in to my ear.

"First of all I'm not your girl. Second of all you're a really grabby person aren't you."

"First of all according to all of Panem since the interview night you are. Second of all," He leant down to kiss my neck, "you have no idea."

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