Ahead Of The Game Or Not (Ch. 9)

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"Wiress you're a genius! How did you figure it out?!" I say running over to them.

"She must've noticed when she saw certain horrors taking place in different sections of the arena." Katniss said.

"Johanna it look like you owe certain people an apology!" I say smirking as her and standing beside Beetee.

She groaned and approached me, Wiress, and Beetee, "Fine, I'm sorry for not wanting you guys in the alliance and Aria I'm sorry for not listening to you." We all smiled at her. "But, I don't see how the cornucopia being a clock has anything to do with us winning the game."

Beetee cleared his throat, "Well my dear let me explain this to you. Now that we know the cornucopia is a clock we are officially ahead of the game. It is all centralized off of the tree where lightening strikes. If we managed to destroy the tree we could destroy the clock."

I squealed and kissed Beetee's cheek. "You are amazing thank you both so much!" I was hugging Beetee until I felt Finnick rip me away.

"I think that's enough thanks." He said glaring at me and Beetee.

"Seriously Finn?"

"Seriously." He said mocking me.

"Ya I'm agreeing with Finnick I think that's enough thanks let's just get to cornucopia." Peeta says walking past us and towards the cornucopia.

"Ignore them Aria. Let's just go." Katniss says as she walks forward.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

We cleared the cornucopia and sat down to talk about strategies.

The others were sitting down and arguing about what our next step should be.

"Guys I have a bad feeling about being here." I say standing up.

"Aria we're fine just sit down." Katniss says looking back at me from where she's sitting.

I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Babe just relax. Come here sit down." Finnick says patting his lap.

"Babe? Since when are you his babe?" Peeta asks standing up.

"Since when do you care so much Peeta?" Katniss says getting angrier.

"Are you guys being this ignorant?! We are in the middle of The Hunger Games! This isn't time for these stupid conversations." Beetee says adjusting his glasses.

"Oh my god why is this escalating so quickly?! Let's just get off the cornucopia before the careers come and attack us." I yell at all of them.

"Too late for that." A voice calls from behind us. We turn around and see gloss plunging a dagger in Wiress' chest.

A scream escaped my lips as Katniss shot an arrow through his chest. I feel hot tears pour down my face as her cannon goes off. I feel a tug on waist as I'm pulled in to someone's chest.

Only it wasn't Finnick's.

"Surprise Aria. I knew I would get in with the careers." The voice said tightening the grip.

"Talon. "

I look straight ahead in to Finnick's eyes. He looks angry and upset as he runs towards us gripping his trident.

"You might not want to do that Golden Boy. If I go down she goes down with me." He says turning me around to face him.

"Talon stop." I say reaching down to grab my knife. He grabbed both of my wrists preventing me from grabbing it. Before I could open my mouth again his mouth was on mine. I tried pushing him away but he was too strong.

I opened my eyes wide as I felt him loosen his grip and fall down. A cannon went off and I starting wiping my mouth. Finnick was fuming as he stood in front of the body. He ripped his spear from his chest and hugged my tight.

"Finn we have to get off the cornucopia now. " I say pulling away.

"Okay I'll get the others."

"Finnick hurry-" The ground shaking cut me off. I heard cusses and screams as the cornucopia started spinning. I collapsed on the floor in between Johanna and Finnick.

I started slipping off when I latched on to the rocks in the ground. The weapons began rattling and falling.

"Finnick move to the left!" I scream trying to get him out of the way.

"What?!" He said clearly unable to hear me.

I tried to yell out again but the dagger came plummeting towards me cut my left arm. I look to the right seeing Johanna cling on to Katniss for dear life. She slipped out of the grip and fell in the water. I heard a few cannons go off as the cornucopia came to a stop.

The pain of the new gash on my arm kicked in and I screamed out. Finnick rushed towards me helping me up.

"Aria." He kissed me on the lips holding me tight. He pulled away and examined my arm. "Babe I'm so sorry, I should've blocked the hit."

I smiled weakly, "It's not that bad lets just make sure everyone else is okay."

Katniss at this point had climbed out of the water with Johanna and Peeta at her aid.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Johanna yelled. "So much for being ahead of the game right Volts!? Oh wait none of this is your fault! THIS IS ALL PRESIDENT SNOW'S FUCKING FAULT!" Johanna was beyond pissed.

"Johanna watch it! Don't say something you'll regret. Or better yet don't say something that gets us screwed." I yelled at her.

"Just because you got screwed over for pissing off the Capitol doesn't me I will be. They can't hurt me anymore." She said walking off the cornucopia.

The rest of us walked behind her. We definitely aren't ahead of the game anymore.

A/N: Nor edited! Sorry I have lots of homework! I'll try updating soon!

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