The 3rd Quarter Quell (Ch. 7)

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Today is the day. Today is the day I go back in the games. After today everything will change. Today the people of Panem will realize things are changing. Today I going back in to the games.

"Aria?" I heard a voice calling from my door frame.

"Haymitch? What are you doing here?" I said putting my hair up in a messy ponytail. I had just finished putting on my Quarter Quell outfit.

"Just coming to check on you. I hope you mind hasn't changed about-"

"Haymitch I'm not backing out of the plan don't worry. I will protect them with everything I can. I promise." I smiled at him and turning my face to my mirror.

"I know. I also know that you're part of the plan is harder than the others."

My face dropped as I stared at my reflection. "I know. But this isn't about me anymore. This is about the rebellion. This is about the future of Panem."

"I knew I always liked you." He said smirking as he took another swing of whiskey.

"Getting drunk before the games?"

"Takes the edge off sweet heart. Besides I'm not planning on drinking a lot."

"So two bottles instead of six?" I said laughing at him.

"You got it." He said pointing his finger at me and winking. "It's not too late for you and Golden Boy to give us a show sweetheart." He said leaning on my wall.

"Ya I've got bigger things to worry about Haymitch."

"Yes I guess you do." He said frowning. "Well, I should get going to see the others in on the plan." He said turning around to leave.

"Thank you Haymitch."

He turned around confused, "For what?"

"For trusting me." I paused taking a breath,"And for sending me the sponsor parachute during the 69th Hunger Games." I said looking at him smiling.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I didn't know it was you until you told me you've always liked me." I said smirking slightly.

"I meant what I said Aria. I knew you were special even back then. I didn't know how special until you started the two uprisings. And I wish in some twisted way you can come out with my victors."

"We both know that can't happen."

"But we can still wish right?"

"No. Wishing got me here Haymitch. I wished I could've lived and I did. Now look at me." I said slamming my hand on the wall. "So no. We can't wish."

"You're right. Wishing never got us anywhere. It just got us screwed. But I think one last wish won't hurt anyone." He said before turning around and leaving.

In a weird way I hope he's right but I know he won't be.

I went down and ate my last breakfast. I heard Talon scoff from behind me as we started walking towards the elevator.

"You look stupid." He said smirking.

"We're wearing the exact same thing idiot. I look stupid and you don't?" He shut up immediately. We finally got downstairs and and were escorted to the plane. We walked on to see the tributes from 12,4,6, and 1 on there.

I was seated in between by Gloss and Peeta. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes ignoring Finnick's gaze on me.

"Good luck Moulson you're going to need it." Talon said nudging Cashmere getting laughs from 6 and 1.

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