It Had To Be This Way (Ch.18)

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The morning just felt different. I mean ya, we did fall asleep in a eerie deserted building on the cold ground but, today was just different.

I'm not an idiot. I know why it felt different.

Today was the day it would all end.

Today I would kill President Snow.

I could feel Finnick's arms around my waist as he sat up with me.

"You nervous?" He asked quietly.

"No. You?"

"Ya I am."


"I don't know maybe cause this might be the last day of my life." Finnick said sarcastically.

"It doesn't matter. I mean our lives don't matter it's theirs that do." I motioned outside a window, referring to the civilians to the other districts.

"I love you so much." He turned me around to face him.

I smiled softly and pecked his lips, "I love you too." I stood up and kicked the others softly so that they would wake up.

"Katniss get up we have to go." I told her solemnly. I started zipping up my peacekeepers uniform checking my gun and getting ready to go.

"Just wait a second we still need to plan out what's happening." Katniss said as she stood up.

"No, I'm tired of waiting Katniss! The plan is that we're going in there you guys kill the guards and I kill Snow."

"Aria are you sure you wanna do this?" Peeta asked as he zipped up his uniform. Johanna was quietly getting ready herself.

"I've been ready for 6 years."

"Okay well I'm tired of standing around. Judging by the noise outside, I'd say it's already noon which means we're late. It's not gonna be long till the peacekeepers start shooting down the rest of the rebels wherever they are." Johanna's voice came clearly as she made her way out of the building.

"Here goes nothing." Finnick said as he pushed us out of the building.

We silently crept outside trying to find a passage in to Snow's house. The peacekeepers were gunning down the rebels as they fought.

Johanna split from our group not being able to contain her anger. She shot down three peacekeepers and made her way helping the others.

"Aria duck!" Peeta yelled from behind me. I quickly dropped down and he shot a bullet through the guys head. I nodded my head in thanks.

We ran straight behind the mansion to find a back door but were blocked by guards.

"Finnick shoot down the 2 on the right and let me take care of the last one." I whispered to Finn. He nodded quickly and did what I asked him to.

Before the last guard could react I shot him in the leg crippling him. I walked up to him and stripped him of his gun, taser, and walkie. I grabbed him by the collar and made him look in to my eyes.

"Listen, I know you must be in a lot of pain so I'm gonna do you favor and only give you one command. If you fail to follow my command you will lose your other leg. If you continue you to fail we will work our way up your limbs until I hit your head. Got it?" I say in a sickeningly nice way.

The man nodded his head quickly.

"Give me the code to the door."

He shook his head. I cocked the gun signaling to him that I was not kidding.

I Was The First Mockingjay (Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now