What. The. Hell. (Ch. 10)

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A/N: Hey guys this chapter is going to be short but there's no to extend it to be longer. The next chapter will be a whole lot of clarification. Also I think I'm going to start a book about the tv show, The Following. Please google it or something I promise you it's really interesting and compelling. I will not abandon this story. School is getting harder so updates will be slow. I will try my best to finish this story.

We were all exhausted. There weren't many of us left.

The thought dawned on me that the majority of people alive were in my alliance. This is the part I was dreading. This was the final part of the plan.

The plan Haymitch set me up for earlier.

"Aria are you okay?" Finnick asked looking at my concerned.

"That's not a very good question Finn," I say chuckling a little, "None of us are okay."

"Ya I know but what I meant wa-"

"I know what you meant." I smile slightly, "I'm as okay as I can be."

The days were getting shorter and hotter. The gamemakers were trying to hurry this along. We came up towards a cliff.

This is it. This is where it ends.

I stop in my tracks as tears start to pool in my eyes.

"Aria, what's wrong?" Finnick turned around kneeled to my height. The others stopped to look at us.

"Finnick I have to do something and you're not going to like it." I choke out. I look up in to everyones eyes as they look at my expectantly.

"This is where it ends for me." I say.

"What the hell does that mean!?" Katniss yells.

"Katniss, Snow isn't going to ease up on us until one of us is dead. Until I'm dead."

"How do you know that." She says walking towards me.

"He told me. The day he announced the games he told me I would die. He's be sure of it. He won't stop targeting us until I'm dead."

"Aria, we're going to protect you. Don't do something stupid." Peeta says standing by Katniss. I feel Finnick's stare blaring in the side of my face. He looked too hurt to speak.

"Katniss you have to finish this. Finish this for all the people that couldn't. You have the chance to make their deaths count for something. Do it for all of them." I say with tears pouring down my cheeks. She nods and pulls me in for a hug.

Sorry but can we just have a moment. Katniss hugged me. 

We pulled away and I looked toward Finnick. "This is why I was afraid to get close to you."

"Don't do this." He shook his head.

"I have to."

"What about us. Aria, you and I are meant to be together."

"This isn't about us. You know that. This is about something so much bigger." I wipe my eyes and walk towards the cliff.

"Aria!" He yells out but the others hold him back. 

"I'm glad that even though I spent these last few days fighting for my life I spent it with you guys." I saw Johanna and Peeta shed a few tears. Beetee kept his composure and nodded towards me. Katniss and Finnick were both desperately trying to get to me. To stop me.

But they couldn't stop me. This is what it had to be. I had to die for Panem. I had to die for the rebellion. My death would start the rebellion. Katniss would fight for me. 

I touch my three fingers to my lips and hold them up. I fall backwards off the cliff.

Everything is clear. I feel free. Even though I'm descending to my death essentially, I'm dying my way. Not the President's way.

I am the Girl Alive even though I am about to die.

Everything is the way it has to be. As I descend I slowly fade to black. Then all of the yelling, crying, and screaming just stops.

Everything is quiet.


I feel bumping. I feel like I'm in a moving vehicle. My eyes flutter open slowly. I look up to see a bright white light blaring down at me. 

Is this heaven? No offense but if this is heaven I'm slightly disappointed. Where are the golden gates and clouds. I'm looking at a metal ceiling with white lights every where. I sit up and immediately start freaking out. This isn't heaven. This is vehicle.

"Good morning sweet heart." I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Haymitch on tv.

"What the hell is happening!? I was dead! Haymitch you said this was the plan! You said I had to die for the rebellion!" I yell at the tv.

"I bet right now your yelling at me. Lucky for me, this is a recording so I don't have to hear you yell at me. My apologies that I couldn't be there. Katniss and the others are still in the games and we are waiting for her. They are all very torn up about you. Golden Boy especially. Also lover boy looks like a puppy that's been beaten." Haymitch says smirking. Pultarch appeared next to him.

"Haymitch you son of a bitch you better have an explanation for this." I mutter.

"You really should be thanking me. Who said we couldn't wish for you to be alive? Now look at you! Still alive and charming as usual I assume. Understandably confused. Heavensbee and I have been working together this whole time." Haymitch adds seriously.


Heavensbee starts talking, "Our mission was always to get you and Katniss out of the games. We had to convince you that you would actually die. Your reaction had to be genuine. They all had to believe you. And by they I mean the President had to believe that you were actually dead. When you fell off the cliff we disabled the forcefield, allowing you to fall to the bottom of the arena. Thanks to some of our help on the inside, we managed to catch you in a net. Your adrenaline knocked you out before the impact luckily. You'll notice there is a bandage around your arm. We removed your tracker. You and Katniss were always our mission."

At this point I'm breathing and shaking violently.

"You are the 1st Mockingjay. You have been for a long time. It wasn't until Katniss survived last year that we knew this was an advantage to the rebels. You are the passion of the rebellion and Katniss is the strength. You, The Girl Alive are the 1st Mockingjay. The rebellion is happening and you will lead it. We will see you very soon." The video ended.

I sat in silence breathing heavily. I'm alive. I am the 1st Mockingjay.

I am leading the rebellion.

The door to the room opened and a tall handsome boy walked in.

"Who are you? Where are we going?" I say standing up trying to muster up some confidence and strength.

"My name is Gale Hawthorne and we are on our way to District 13."

What. The. Hell.

I Was The First Mockingjay (Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now