Training And Scores (Ch.3)

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"Aria! Darling it's time to get up! Training begins today!" Tammy's voice rang through my room.

"Please! Just 5 more minutes!"

"I am not your mother I will not argue with you now get up!"

"Tammy it's too early to-AHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs when I looked at her.

This bitches hair was a mess. Her previous green tree look had turned into a massive wig with black and green streaks all over. The hair itself stood about 5 inches on it's on it's own. Her terrifying bold red and gold make up caked on her face only frightened me more.

"Tammy what did you do to your hair?!"

"Oh do you love it? I figured with our new famous status at District 10 I might as well be as vibrant and colorful as can be! You know stand out!" She smiled sweetly and turned to leave.

"Ya you definitely stand out.." I muttered.

"Heard that! Now come on silly!" She called walking away.

I put my hair in a messy pony tail and went to the bathroom. Someone had set out my training outfit in the couch next to the bathroom. I sighed and closed my eyes. I can't believe I'm doing this all over again. It may seem dramatic of me but I honestly felt sick to my stomach. Going in the first time was horrible but now, going in with trained and experienced killers only added to my fear. I've been really bipolar about this situation. I'm obviously dreading going into the games again but then again, I'm free from the Capitol for the time being. Guess it's kinda bitter sweet when you think about it.

I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. My grey eyes changed to a more greenish tint. My olive skin was still clear thanks to whatever product Jonah applied on my face. I quickly washed my face and teeth then proceeded to go out and change into my training uniform.

I joined the others in the dining hall where Talon was of course talking about his strategies and what not. Our mentor was an older man seemingly in his 40's named Carlson. He won the 53rd Hunger Games. He was eager to share ideas with Talon.

"Any ideas for allies Talon?" Carlton asked leaning over the table towards Talon.

"I want the careers but seeing as how I'm from District 10 I'm at a disadvantage. I just have to show them how great I am today during training."

"And what exactly are you going to show them?"

"I'm going to show them how good I am with my hands. District 10 herding animals and disciplining I've had a lot of training with getting my hands dirty." He smirked.

Talon really disgusted me. He was so shamelessly heartless and aggressive.

I cleared my throat and stepped forward. "Hey guys good morning." I smiled. There's no use in me getting on Talon's bad side. Besides it so much easier for me to be nice rather than mean.

"Well if it isn't Panem's favorite little girl!" Talon sneered at me.

"Glad to see your in a good mood this morning." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever just eat so we can get down to training. Tammy says I can't leave with out you and we need to approach the training center as a 'united force' or something." Talon said getting up from his chair and approaching me.

"Okay I'll try to finish quickly." I smile at him and walk toward the table.

He scoffed and moved in front of me blocking me from the table.

"Excuse me but could you move Talon?"

He scoffed again, "Make me."


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