The 69th Hunger Games (Ch.6)

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The 69th Games:

I felt like throwing up. Sorry, but there's no other way to explain my feeling. I felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to vomit. It was a day before the 69th Hunger Games commenced. Everything to this point had gone ordinary. The regular things went on you know, the Tribute parade, interviews, and scores. I got a 9 by the way (for my score). My district partner was a 17 year old boy. He didn't talk much so I don't have much to say about him.

Everything about this situation felt wrong. I always knew there was a possibility I could get chosen but I never actually thought it would happen. My name was put in 10 times. Not that much compared to the others in our District. I knew I was going to die.

Ya no doubt about that.

I wasn't a threat to anyone. I kept to myself and worked on my knife throwing and club skills. I didn't think that anyone was keeping an eye on me. I got pestered a lot by the careers for being a 'short pretty girl'. The career boys Shred and Winson went out of their way to find ways to shove me around and grab me. I thought I was just another weak link not a threat.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted to live. I really really did. I knew the chances were slim but I still wanted a shot at coming home. I lived with my grandmother, mother, and my older brother Aden. My father died a long time ago. My family was everything to me. The whole train ride I couldn't stop crying. The thought of being away from them hurt more than a hundred daggers to the chest.

The last day before going in to the games I met a girl named Annalynn. She was a 12 year old girl reaped from district 11. She was so fragile and so sweet. It made me sick to think she was forced to fight for her life in these horrendous games. I allied with her because I had no one else and because I wanted to protect her. Her and her 14 year old district partner. His name was Tristan. Tristan was much more independent and strong but seeing as how he was from a poor district no one would ally with him.

I never had younger siblings but being with them made me feel like I had. I was 15 so they were younger than me. They were so full of love and life. It was so unfair for them to be thrown in to the games.

It made me want to throw up.

My amazing stylist, Jonah was the only one other than my family to believe in me. I doubted I'd have many sponsors because I didn't stand out. At least that's what I thought.

Enough of the background stuff let's get started with the action...

"Jonah I don't think I can do it. I don't want to do it. I'm going to die I don't stand a chance." I said through my tears. I was crying hard. I had 30 seconds to step in to the module and be lifted up in to the arena.

"Aria listen to me, you can make it. I believe in you. You have more intelligence and heart than any of those other tributes. Use your head and your beauty for that matter and get sponsors. You can come out of this. I know you can." Jonah said hugging me tight.

The announcer said I had 10 seconds left. Jonah quickly pushed me in to the module. I rubbed my bare arms for a bit of comfort when I put two and two together. Heat. I was wearing a tank top and loose camouflage pants. Jonah had put my hair into a pony tail. It was going to be hot. The arena was going to be very hot. The module started lifting me up and I could only think of one thing.


I was greeted by an over whelming amount of heat from the engineered sun. I looked around to see the other tributes frantically looking around adjusting to the situation but, I was ahead of the game. I knew it was a desert and so I kept my focus on getting a backpack full of water and running out.

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