I Make This Up As I Go Along (Ch.16)

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What even is safe?

I can't remember the last time I felt completely safe.

I don't mean safe as in comfortable. I mean safe as in I felt no threat.

No fear.

No worry.

Is anyone actually ever safe?

Are we all pretending to feel okay and happy when we really aren't?

I don't think I've ever been safe.

None of us are ever safe.

Life has a funny way of screwing you over with things you never even anticipated.

So I guess none of us are actually safe.

I could get hit my a meteor right now and my life would be over.

I could live in a world without the Hunger Games and still not be safe.

Life is unexpected.

I expected to die in the Quarter Quell but I didn't.

I expected to go home after the 69th Hunger Games but I didn't.

I'm currently being dragged to a cellar in the President's mansion. I definitely did not expect that.

"I've told you boys at least 3,000 times. I can walk you know." I mutter as the continue to drag me.

"And 3,000 we've ignored you so stop saying it." One of the peacekeepers said glaring at me. "Here you are Ms. Moulson I believe you are familiar with your cell mate." He said before tossing me in.

I fell on me knees which were thankfully protected by my jeans. Still hurt though. "My cell mate?" I stood up and went further in to the small area only to see a man sitting on one of the beds looking down.

"Jesus Christ. Peeta." I say unbelievingly.

He looked up slowly. There were bags under his eyes there was a very prominent bruise on his jaw. He also had a cut on his lip. Peeta looked beat.

"Aria?" He quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around me tightly."I've been hallucinating a lot so I just gotta make sure this is real life." He still held on.

"It's real life unfortunately. I'm here." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. 

"How are you alive? I saw you jump off the cliff!." He said pulling away to look in my eyes but still holding on.

"Long story Peeta." I reply.

"Why did you come back here?"

"I came back to trade myself for you guys. Snow said that if I turned myself in he'd let you and Johanna go." I say looking at him sadly.

"But Johanna and I are still here. He lied!" He looked away angrily.

"I know. I guess the President can't keep a promise. It doesn't matter now."

"How could you be such an idiot Aria! You shouldn't have come back for us! You were free."

"I was never free. I was never going to be." I paused and touched the bruise on his jaw lightly. "What did they do to you Peeta." I whispered.

"Nothing I wasn't expecting." He responded with a hard expression on his face.

"Peeta have you seen Johanna?"

"Yes I saw her once when we first got here. She in a cell somewhere here."He sat back down on the bed. I sat on the one opposite from it. "What's the plan Aria."

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