President Has Big Plans (Ch. 4)

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I went to my room after the scores announcing was over. Katniss, Peeta, and I were the only ones to get 12s. None of it made sense. What could we all have done to earn 12? I figuratively stabbed the President. What the hell did Katniss and Peeta do? I'd have to make sure and remember to ask them.

I took a quick shower and got ready for bed. I laid down in my bed and stared up at the ceiling.

I wondered about District 10. I wondered about my family. What had come of them? Were they still alive? if they were why haven't they tried to contact me? My thoughts hurt me. I felt so abandoned and so alone. I would never see District 10. I was going in to the games to die. Snow would make sure of that.

How did this get so messed up? I thought winning the games meant I could go home. Instead I was denied the opportunity to ever go back. What had my life come to?

With these being my final thoughts I drifted off in to sleep.

I slowly woke up the next morning feeling relaxed. Today would be just another day of training. To be honest though, the last thing I wanted to do was train.

If you had a few more days to live what would you do? Would you train to attempt avoiding inevitable death? Because that's certainly not what I wanted to do. I wanted to go home.

I ripped myself from the covers and shook my head. This wasn't about what I wanted anymore. These games were going to help the people not me. I just have to play the Capitol's game a little while longer. I'm never going home so I've got nothing to lose.

I put on my training outfit and went outside for breakfast. I grabbed a quick bite to eat, then waited for Talon.

A few moments later, Talon stumbled out of his room sloppily. At the sight of my face he groaned and glared at me.

He wasn't my biggest fan right now seeing as how I beat his ass by getting a 12.

"I'm not that hungry so let's just go." Talon didn't seem to be in a great mood so I just nodded and followed him out the door.

I decided to break the ice and talk to him a little. Despite his rudeness towards me I couldn't afford living my last few days with yet another enemy. "So, what are you planning on doing today?"

"I'm planning on making an alliance with the careers." He said stepping in to the elevator after me. "You know, you should do the same. Seeing your score and knowing how precious you are to Panem I'm sure they'd accept a runt like you."

"Wow thanks the runt really appreciates your input." I said rolling my eyes.

"I saw you hanging out with Golden Boy and the skeleton yesterday."

"Their names are Finnick and Mags don't be rude." I snapped.

"They're a waste of time. You're as good as dead if you stick with them. Not that I'd mind you dead."

"How about you just worry about yourself Talon."

"Okay fine. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

We stayed in silence until we reached the training floor and got out. Talon and I gladly parted ways.

I made my way over to the spear section when I felt a grip on my arm. My fighting instincts kicked in and I grabbed the arm turning around to twist it.

"Holy shit Aria let go it's just me!" cried Finnick as he ripped his hand away from me.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Finnick! It was just instincts let me look at it and see if you're hurt!" I exclaimed grabbing his arm and examining it. I was inspecting his arm when I looked up at him seeing the famous smirk spread across his face.

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