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a/n: here's picture of said blind kitty, ily guys (thank you for 1k)

Troye's pov

"Nonsense, Jacob, I think you're lovely. Forget what my old crook of a husband says." Mum waves the boy sitting on the bed next to us off.

"I mean, he kind of had the right to call me a custom-made cock-up. I was caught decorating the outside walls of the police station in paint. What was it I wrote? Uhhh, oh! It was "MELLET SUX" because he defied getting me ice cream earlier that day." Jacob stifles a laugh, covering his mouth.

Mum doesn't hold back, leaning forward in the bed and holding onto the blanket as she cracks out laughing.

"That's just... creative writing, you could say. Very lovely." She says while wiping her eyes of happy tears.

I've come to the conclusion that this is what Mum really needed, some obnoxious loud fun for a day. I'm glad she's gotten to meet Jacob.

"You're too sweet for your own good, Laurelle." He replies with that big smile I've started liking more and more.

"Psh, no, stop... no really keep going." She giggles, looking between the two of us.

"That's my mother for ya." I give her an admirable look and turn back to Jacob, "Hey, what do you say we get a picture together? You have your mobile, right?"

Jacob shakes his head no, "Nah, but I know they have dispensable cameras downstairs in the knick-knack store."

"Oh, alright. Want me to go with you and get one?" I ask.

He gets up from the bed and waves me off.

"No, stay with your mother. I'll be back in ten." He nods and heads off out of the room and downstairs to the lobby.

"He's lovely," Mum chirps once he's gone.

I nod, "He is."

I lean back to lay at the foot of the bed and let out a small 'hmph' as I do.

"Are you gonna do something?" She asks curiously, making me contort my face in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to make anything of you two? I swear you're like undiscovered star-crossed lovers." She muses, making me tilt my head up to give her a funny look.

"Mum, you've gone mad." I sigh, covering my hot cheeks with cold hands.

"No I have not. You two are adorable! It's almost painful to watch." She exclaims, leaning back in the bed and sighing along with me.

"I'm saying this with all due respect, piss off, Mum." I mutter with a sly smile, removing my hands from off of my face and glancing at her.

"Oh, I will never. I must get your father in on this secret mission!" Mum whispers in the happiest tone I think I've heard from her in years.

It's how she's so happy, that I can't get irritated with her. And I mean, look at her, she's adorable.

"You do that, you little stinker." I scrunch my nose up at her and playfully glare, making her smile go cheery to genuine in seconds.

"You're the stinker, Tok. I love you, y'know?"

I nod, "Yes, Mum, you keep me reminded. I love you very much as well, I always will."

Breaking our moment, Mum gently kicks me in the side.

"Hey, no sappiness. The Mellet's aren't no wusses, are we?" She giggles.

"No, we most certainly are not-" I'm interrupted by a clearing of a throat.

I sit up and turn to the door to see Jacob holding the dispensable camera up to his eye, ready to capture a photo.

"No! Don't," I squawk, shielding my eyes.

"I meant of all of us together, not Mum and I laying in bed like some old little bums." I whinge, pulling my hand away from my eyes and giving him my best puppy-eyed look.

He smiles and with a click, he takes the photo.

"You're sleeping on the sofa tonight." I stick my tongue out at him and cross my arms over my chest.

Jacob playfully rolls his eyes and makes his way back over to the bed.

"No, you'd miss me too much. Hush up though, you two look great." He compliments, making me brush him off while Mum blushes and thanks him.

And with many pictures taken later, some sneakily taken of me, some of Mum and I, some of all three of us, and even a few of the outdoors when we said our goodnight's to Mum, leaving her to get some rest. It was a bit hard, explaining to Jacob that he would never see Mum again after today. She's only got five days left. The boy had broken down crying on the tube, asking me how I was so okay with this. I wasn't, I had made a promise to myself though not to cry until she's gone. I know that when I start, I may never stop.

When we left Mum, I made sure to "accidentally" leave my favourite blankie behind for her to cuddle with. I know she'll appreciate it more than anything.

Eventually, Jacob calmed down upon getting back to the flat and apologized over and over. Even my promised 'it's alright' and 'you're okay' 's didn't help. Dad did though, when we trudged in while he was cooking dinner for us, he immediately put the food on hold and came to comfort Jacob.

I kissed Jacob's cheek and muttered a goodnight, leaving the two to calm each other and have their dinner alone. Dad objected me leaving, but quickly stepped back when I warned him that tonight wasn't a good night. He let me go hide away when I promised I'd leave the door cracked and eat something the next morning. He didn't let me go empty-handed though. With a replacement blankie because I left mine with Mum, a water bottle, and a kiss on the forehead, I was left alone.

Everything was appreciated beyond capacity, like most things, but I have to admit that the second I stepped foot in my door, I dropped everything and laid down on my empty bed. Out of all of my paintings and drawings, my eyes stayed strained on my painting of Dylan. The one Jacob liked. When my eyes finally gave out and started forming tears, I quickly wiped them away and retrieved my melatonin from my bedside table. I swallowed two dry and fell back down onto my bed, cradling into a ball. The last thing I saw before falling asleep was that stupid, stupid drawing.

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