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Troye's pov

Kissing, the sweetest, most innocent yet sensual touch you can give to another in public. Jacob and I, it was most definitely a innocent and pure touch.

We're sat alone at an empty lunch table complaining about our classes of the day when Jacob accidentally knocks his carton of milk all over himself. He squawks and jumps back, picking up the carton and tossing it on the table. I burst out laughing and throw a napkin at him, which he quickly takes and pats his trousers with. I help him out and clean up the mess of milk around the bench.

Soon enough our laughter died down and we went back to our calm usual selves, just a little more cheerful now. He's been trying to cheer me up all day but some things you can't distract another from sulking about. But this has proven to make me actually break out with a smile. We scoot closer together, twinkling eyes and flushed cheeks as I lean in and press my lips to his. He places a hand on the back of my neck and responds by smiling through the kiss and keeping it short and sweet. As he pulls away I lean back in and peck his lips, smiling a genuine smile for what feels like the first time in forever. Nothing could have ruined our moment, our subtle display of affection, nothing but a yell of anger.

We both freeze and whip our heads over to the direction of the obnoxious noise.

"What the fuck?!" None other than Tyler Oakley booms, storming up to us.

I sink back against Jacob and gulp down my fear. He looks furious.

"How could you do this?! How could you do this to Dylan?!!" He manically shouts, gesturing to Jacob.

"Wha-?" I croak out, feeling tears pool in my eyes in seconds at the mention of his name.

"You're ridiculous!" He exclaims.

I stand up and put my hands up in surrender, "Ty, calm down. Please."

"Calm down?! Wh- No. Fuck you! This," He points between Jacob and I, "This is pathetic. This is slutty, Troye. Even for you."

I bite down on my bottom lip, feeling my entire body go hot in an icky and sick way.

That's when Jacob steps in, nudging me back and standing in front of my trembling body.

"Hey, that's enough." He speaks bitterly, grabbing my hand from behind and squeezing it gently. I weakly grip his hand back.

Marcus and Jim notice the scene and run up to us, standing behind Tyler cautiously.

"What's going on?" Marcus questions.

"Your boy is out of line." Jacob mutters.

They both nod, "Tyler? You okay mate?"

Tyler practically seethes, lunging at Jacob and punching him square in the nose. Jacob gasps in shock, clutching his nose and pushing the blond off of him. I pull Jacob back while Marcus and Jim both hold Tyler back, the two now both seeming to be raging.

"Calm down, Tyler." They at least comfort him all the while I just hold Jacob back and stand there in shock.

And that's when Tyler utters it.

"No wonder your mother ran off to America or wherever and left your dad."

I let go of Jacob in seconds and freeze. Jacob does too, his jaw dropping a bit. A tear falls down my cheek, Marcus and Jim's harsh glare at Tyler fades to a sympathetic frown when they look over at me. I step around Jacob and smile tightly at Tyler.

"Could you repeat that?"

He huffs, "No wonder your mom left you."

Breathing in sharply, I ball my hand up into a fist and swing it right at him. Marcus and Jim let go, letting Tyler fend for himself and step back. Tyler stumbles backwards and looks up at me in disbelief. I turn to Jacob and wince, clutching my knuckles to my chest.

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