Chapter 2

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  I look at this girl that walked into the tavern

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I look at this girl that walked into the tavern. She is very pretty maybe even more beautiful then Belle. I quickly scowled myself for even thinking of Belle she's the reason I'm one of the most hated people in town, most of the town can't even look at me without glaring at me. The mystery girl looks down with a slight blush. I nudge Lefou to get his attention. He looks over at me quickly. I slightly point at the girl.

"Wow she's pretty. You should go talk to her," he says.

"I don't know Lefou. I mean she's quite gorgeous but I don't know if I can take more rejection."

Lefou gives me this look that's like 'the Gaston I know doesn't fear rejection'

"Well you'll never know until you try," he says.

"Fine I'll go talk to her," I say while giving Lefou a glare.

When I walk over to the table the girl is sitting at she has a glass of water, chicken, and reading a book. I roll my eyes a little what is with women and books? I sit down at the table across from her.

"What's a pretty girl like you hanging out in a tavern?" I ask because I am slightly curious since I've never seen her before

She looks up from her book. "Well it seems to be the only place to get food around here."

I chuckle. "Well that's probably true," I glance down a minute then look back up at her, "so what's your name?" I ask

"I'm Lilian," she says with a small smile, "and you are?"


"Well Gaston its very nice to meet you, but I probably should be going back to my room."

"Let me walk you back," I say because I didn't want to stop talking to her.

"Okay," she's says a little cautiously.

  She picks up her book and puts some money on the table. Then she puts her cloak on and we walk out. Before I close the door behind me I see Lefou and he winks at me. I roll my eyes as I shut the door.

"So, Lillian what are you doing in Villeneuve?" I ask as we start walking.

"How'd you know I don't live here?" She says curiously

"It's a small village and your the only one that hasn't given me a murderous glare."

She glances at me, but then replies, "I'm looking for a fresh start," she says and in the street torches I could see pain flash in her eyes which is when I first notice the bruise on her cheek.

"How'd you get that?" I ask pointing at the bruise.

"Oh I uh fell earlier today."

  I could tell that she was lying but decided not to press. When we almost reach the inn a guy walks by and bumps right into me. I start to curl my fists and started to get really mad. Before I could punch him Lillian grabs my fist and says, "It's not worth it, come on."

We start walking again. "Um if you don't mind me asking, Why does everyone hate you?"

"That's a complicated story," I say.

"Well I've got some time," she says as she sits on a bench outside the inn

I sit down next to her and she looks at me with curiosity in her eyes. I decide to tell her. I tell her about how I was in love with a girl, Belle, and I kept pursing her and I kept getting rejected. Then how I tried to help her because I thought this beast was a monster, but even when I found out he wasn't I still kept fighting. I also told her about my near death experience, how my right hand man, LeFou, found me and brought me back to the village. "The irony is I'm here the most hated man in town and she's a princess."

She looks down slightly then looks back at me. "Let me guess you now think I'm the real beast too?" I say.

"No not at all," she says, "I believe are past does not define us and you have showed me nothing but kindness."

She gets up from the bench slowly and I get up too.

"Well goodnight Gaston," she says while walking to the door.

"Goodnight Lillian," I say as she walks in the inn. Once she disappears behind the door I turn around and walk back to the Tavern.

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