Chapter 14

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  I get out of the bathtub and see a dress folded up on a chair by the door

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I get out of the bathtub and see a dress folded up on a chair by the door. I pick it up and it's a purple ball gown. Why in the world would I be wearing a ball gown if I'm a servant? I quickly put it on and then I hear a knock at the door. I open it and it's the other servant.

"Why am I wearing a ball gown and not that the uniform your wearing?" I ask gesturing to the long plain black dress she was wearing.

"I assume she's making you her hand maid, you'd be the third this month," she says, "Follow me."

  I follow her down the hall and up a spiral staircase. We walk down another hallway into the last door on the right. The girl opens the door and before she ushers me in she whispers:

"My name is Matilda, Miss."

"Please call me Lillian," I say. She nods and pushes me into the room. Then she quietly shuts the door behind me.

  I look around and see I'm in a huge bedroom. I look in front of me and see a bed and see that Crystal is sitting there. She is wearing a weird looking green dress.

"There you are," she says when she notices my presence, "so you will be my maid and do as I say or else. You will address me as Miss and your room is connected to mine over there," she says nodding her head at the door on the side of the room.

"Yes Miss," I say.

"What's you name?" she says.

"Lillian," I say. She gives me a glare, "Miss," I say correcting myself.

"Well since your my hand maid I guess I'll address you by your name," she waves her hand, "you may go to your room and I'll yell if I need you."

  I give a short bow and fast walk to my room. I open door and see a small room with a bed and  a dresser. I flop on the bed not sure what to do. All I do know is that I need to escape some how. I need to find out if Gaston is alive or not. I decide not to accept the fact that he could be dead. As the hours pass I make up a plan for my escape.

  I slowly mount my horse and put my pack on the side of the saddle

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  I slowly mount my horse and put my pack on the side of the saddle. I put her in a slow trot and look at LeFou's house.

"I'm sorry LeFou but I can't wait any longer to find out if Lillian is alive or not," I whisper.

  I press my heel into my horse to make her go faster. I then leave the village that I once was a hero and once had called home.

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