Chapter 5

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  I was sitting on my horse on the outskirts of the woods waiting for Lillian to show up

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  I was sitting on my horse on the outskirts of the woods waiting for Lillian to show up. Granted I didn't actually know if she would come or not, but I figured she would. A few minutes later I hear foot steps come from the path in front of me. A few minutes later I see Lillian wearing a purple cloak with a beautiful black dress on. She walks a little quicker when she spots me.

"Look I know I'm short but do you really have to point it out further by being on a horse," she says as she gets up next my horse.

I laugh as I extend my hand out to her.

"Hop on," I say.

She grabs my hand and I hoist her up so she's sitting behind me. I then grab her arms and wrap them around my waist to steady her. I turn my head around to see her blushing a little bit.

"So where are we going on this magic horse ride?" she asks.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," I say.

  She rolls her eyes but laughs a little. We ride in silence which a first was a little awkward, but was fine later. When we almost get to the place where we're going I feel Lillian rest her head on my shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep on me we're almost there," I say.

"But I'm so tired," she grumbles.

"Well wake up because we're here."

  She lifts her head and moves her hands when my horse stops. I hop of and then lift my arms up to help Lillian get off. She falls into my arms and I lower her onto the ground. She looks around as if expecting something amazing to happen.

"We rode all this way to go in the middle of a field?" she asks confused.

"Well yes and no,"I say.

  I walk over to my nap sack on my horse and pull out a blanket, some food, and wine. I go back over by Lillian and lay out the blanket. She gladly stretches out on it. I sit down gently beside her. I give her some bread and pork. Then I opened the wine.

"Oh sorry I don't drink alcohol," she says.

"Can I ask why?" I say because I'm very curious. Almost everyone I know drink alcohol.

"Can I trust you not to tell anyone this?" She asks cautiously.

I nod. "Of course."

"Okay...well when my mom died my dad started going to the village tavern and he would come home super drunk and sometimes he would slap and punch me."

"Is that why you ran away?" I ask completely shocked that something like this would happen to such an innocent girl.

She nods. "For a long time I didn't leave because as soon as he sobered up he would always apologize and like a fool I believed him."

"Hey your not a fool," I say as I pull her chin up so she's looking straight into my eyes, "I think anyone would want to believe their father."

  She nods and then changes the topic. We eat for awhile and talk about random things. When it starts getting dark outside we decide to head back. I pack up the blanket and what's left of the food. I get on the horse and help her get on. She immediately puts her arms around me and places her head on my shoulder. We ride back in silence. After a while I hear her breathing even out and I know she's asleep.

  When we get back to the inn, I don't want to wake her up so I pick her up and carry her to her room. Luckily she left it unlocked and I open the door easily. I lay her in her bed and put the covers over her. I place a small kiss on her forehead and leave. I hop back onto my horse. I decide to head back to the tavern, knowing I have fallen in love with the mystery girl of Villeneuve.

*at the tavern*

"I don't know what to do LeFou I really like Lillian, but I'm afraid of what she'd think of me if I confess my feelings."

"Well I mean she's hung out with you this long I think that should tell you something," LeFou says.

"True," I say.

"Well I'm going to head home, I think you should do the same before you get drunk," LeFou says.

"I think I'm going to stay a little while longer," I say and grab another beer.

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