Chapter 6

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  I wake up and see my surroundings

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  I wake up and see my surroundings. I realize that I'm in my inn room and am confused on how I got here. I then remembered my night with Gaston and quickly realize that he probably brought me in my room. I look out my window and see that it's still dark outside so I assume it's really early morning. I try to go back to sleep and instead end up flopping back and forth on my bed. I decide to put on some leather leggings, a long sleeved white shirt, and a leather vest. I walk out of my room and head outside.

  I wonder around town and see that most lights aren't on, but I do see the taverns lights on. Why am I not surprised honestly its probably open 24/7. As I get closer I hear shouting and fighting. Then I see a circle around two people. When I'm next the crowd of drunks I catch a flash of a red leather jacket and immediately know who it is.

  I rush through the crowd muttering 'excuse me' a few times. I make it into the middle of the circle my face turns to a horrified expression. I see Gaston punching some man several times so hard the other guys face is probably broken. I see that his punching is a little sloppy and realize he is drunk. I go up next to Gaston grabbing his shoulder trying to get him to stop punching the other guy. He whips around and slaps me with the back of his hand so hard that I fall to the ground. I touch my cheek and feel it, luckily I don't think my cheek bone is broken but it hurts like crazy. I whip my head back around at Gaston biting my lip trying not to cry. I see horror written all over his face as if he just realized what he had done. He looks down at his hand and it was shaking. He looks back at me with sorry and sad eyes.

  I get up from the ground and run through the crowd, as the tears start falling down my face. I hear Gaston yelling my name but I keep running. I run as fast as my legs can carry me. I find myself in the woods and I huddle under a tree tears streaming down my face.

To think I thought that Gaston was different. To think I believed he wasn't the beast everybody claimed he was. Worst of all to think I thought I loved him.

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