Chapter 4

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  When I get back to the village I decide to wonder around a little

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  When I get back to the village I decide to wonder around a little. I find this nice clothing store. I decide to buy pink, blue, and black dresses. When I walk out of the shop I see LeFou sitting on the fountain. I decide to walk over and talk with him.

"Hey LeFou," I say when I get closer to the fountain.

"Hi.....Lilian is it?"

"Yes, it is," I say as I sit down on the fountain next to him, sitting my bag down next to me.

"How are you?" He says.

"I'm doing well. How are you?"

"Pretty good," he says with a smile, "I noticed that you like reading. Would you like to go to the bookshop?"

"There's a bookstore here!?"I almost yell loud enough for all of Villeneuve to hear.

LeFou laughs at my reaction. "I'll take that as a yes then?"

"Yes!" I say.

We walk toward the other side of the village. LeFou then stops at a small store. I quickly run in. I see a few long bookshelves filled with books. While I look around LeFou takes a seat inside the store. After spending two hours in the bookstore I buy Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and A Midsummer Night's Dream. We left the store and a guy comes up to us quickly, he runs up and gives LeFou a big hug. LeFou starts blushing like crazy.

"Your gay?" I ask. 

"Yep." LeFou says.

"Oh well I'm so happy for you," I say with a smile, "and who's the lucky man?"

"Oh I'm Evan," he says.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, I'm Lillian," I say and we shake hands.

"Can we go back to the house?" Evan asks LeFou.

"Um sure," LeFou says, "see you later Lilian."

"Goodbye," I say as they walk away.

  I decide to head back to my room as by bags are starting to get really heavy. When I get back to my room, I set my stuff down and sit on the bed. When I look over at my nightstand I see a note. I pick it and read:

Meet me in the woods in a hour

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