Chapter 12

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  I watch  as a man dressed in all black with a cloak covering his face knock out Lillian and drag her off somewhere and I was helpless to do anything

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I watch as a man dressed in all black with a cloak covering his face knock out Lillian and drag her off somewhere and I was helpless to do anything. After they are gone I press Lillian's jacket to my gun shot wound and started dragging myself toward the end of the woods. I look up after what feels like hours and see the sun breaking through the woods. I get to the very edge and right before everything goes black I see brown shoes walk in front of me.

  I wake up and my back is against a tree

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  I wake up and my back is against a tree. I try to stand but my hands are caught and I realize that my hands are tied to the tree so all I can do is sit. I look around and see that I'm still in the woods. Then I notice someone a few feet away from me. He wears a black cloak that completely covers him so I can't make out what he looks like.

"What do you want with me?" I say a little shakily. I immediately curse myself for sounding scared.

"I don't want anything to do with you. My job was to kill Gaston and I'm not having some stupid girl mess it up."

"Where is he? He's not dead is he?" I say remembering what went down before I blacked out.

"Oh by now I'd say he's completely bled out and the wolves are feasting on his flesh this very minute."

I look down but hold back my tears as my heart shatters. "So your an assassin?"

"Of sorts," he says

"Well your not a very prideful one. Wouldn't you want everyone know you killed the monster of Villeneuve?"

"I was told to kill him and leave him for the wolves, so I did my job thank you very much," he says as his jaw tightens.

  Ah so he did want credit but the person who hired him didn't want that. I sit silently for a minute deciding wether to ask more or not.

"What are you going to do with me anyways?"

"Well I'm probably going to see if someone would buy you, it's always nice to get a little extra profit," he says and I can just make out a grim smile.

"Well if I'm going to be stuck with you can I at least know your name," I say trying to hide my fear of getting sold to who knows who and where.

"It's Gideon," he says and then walk away.

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