Chapter 20

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  I wake up as happy as can be

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  I wake up as happy as can be. After today I'll be Mrs. Gaston. I look over and see that Gaston has already left to go to LeFou's house to get ready for our wedding. We are having it at our spot. Since we don't have very many people to invite it's going to be a small wedding with two guests: LeFou and his boyfriend. I go downstairs and fix myself some breakfast. When I'm all done I go upstairs and pull my wedding dress from under the bed. I spent all day in Paris trying on dresses last week, but I found the most perfect one. It's white of course, strapless, the top part looks like a corset, while the bottom part is light fabric that puffs out a little bit. I put it on getting everything situated. I turn over to the side and look at myself in a mirror as I put my hair up in a braided bun.

  I walk downstairs and put my vail on but not covering my face. In a few minutes LeFou should be here to bring me to my wedding. I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to the door and see LeFou. I open the door and LeFou looks at me in awe.

"Wow, Lillian you look amazing," he says.

"Thank you," I say nodding my head.

"Nervous?" he asks as we walk over to the horses waiting on us.

"Yes," I say wiping my sweating palms on my dress.

"Believe me when I tell you that Gaston is even more nervous," he says with a chuckle.

"Gaston? Nervous? That can't be possible," I say laughing 

"Oh but it's true," LeFou says.

  I take LeFou's hand to help steady me as I get on my horse. Trust me when I tell you getting on a horse in a wedding dress is not the easiest thing in the world. Once I get on my horse LeFou goes over and easily gets on his.

"Show off," I say mumbling.

"I'm not the one in a wedding dress," he says back. Which makes me laugh.

  When we get there I see Gaston talking to the preacher. Which I'm kind of surprised that he agreed to marry us since everybody seems to hate Gaston. I get off my horse and behind a makeshift curtain in front of the aisle way. I hear someone behind me I turn around to see my father. I gasp a little bit.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"You look gorgeous."

"Answer my question," I say softly.

"I'm here because I know I haven't been the greatest father but I don't want to miss your wedding day," he says and he sounds completely sober.

  A tear runs down my cheek as I hug him. "I'm glad you are here," I say.

"I am too," he says.

  I hear silence and that's my cue to walk down the aisle. I put my vial over my face. Me and my father link arms and the curtain opens up and walk down as LeFou and Evan stand up. We reach the end of the aisle and my dad gives me a kiss on my forehead and goes to sit down next to LeFou. Which I find odd since we were only supposed to have two chairs set up.

  I stand across from Gaston and I can tell he's a little nervous.

"You didn't happen to have anything to do the fact that my father is here?" I ask curiously.

"I might have given him a little nudge. I figure if you can accept me you could forgive you father," he says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say smiling back.

  The preacher says the vows and we repeat them. We then exchange rings. I give him a wedding band that has our names on the inside and the he puts a ring on my finger with a small diamond surrounded by other smaller ones and looks gorgeous. We say a few more vows and then the preacher says:

"You may now kiss the bride."

  Gaston leans over pulls the bail off my face and kisses me passionately and I kiss him back. As we pull apart LeFou, Evan, and my dad clap for us. I smile at them and then I feel myself being lifted off the ground and realize that Gaston is lifting me up bridal style. He runs with me over to one of the horses and puts me on then gets on himself. We ride for what seems like minutes but was really hours. And I was smiling the whole time

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