Chapter 16

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  I've been at Crystals' estate for about a week know

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  I've been at Crystals' estate for about a week know. If you stay on Crystal's good side it's not actually bad but even the most common mistakes you get punished for. I've been whipped about 4 different times 6 lashes each time and my back is killing me. Luckily Matilda has some medicine that helps the wounds heal but they still hurt like crazy. Me and Matilda have talked a lot and she's actually going to try and escape with me. I've gotten on Crystals good side so she trusts me not to run away, so tomorrow I'm going to run away in the middle of the night. All the guards are too worried about guarding the front of the estate to even think about the servants entrance/exit, so in the middle of the night me and Matilda will slip out and never look back.

  I finish hanging all the laundry to dry and walk back to Crystals room to see if there's anything else I need to do before I leave to my room for supper and sleep. When I reach her room she's behind a dressing screen. She walks out wearing a purple dress with sparkles around the v-neck.

"Is there anything else you need me for Miss?" I ask politely.

"No you can go," she says while waving her hand dismissively.

  I nod and walk over to my room. I walk over to the door on the other side of my room which leads to the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and grab my basket of food which contains bread, warm milk, and a slice of ham. I turn around to head back to my room and Matilda is right behind me.

"Hey," I say.

"Hi. So is everything set for tomorrow?" she asks in a whisper.

  I nod and she nods back and I slip back into my room. I go to my dresser and pull out a plain black nightgown. I change into it then sit on my bed. I open my food basket and start eating.

  Once I finish eating I grab a book from the bedside table and start reading. I read for about a hour then blow out my candle. I lay the book on my table and lay down. I close my eyes and dream of escaping tomorrow.

  I wake up to the sound of someone yelling my name and I realize it's Crystal. I roll my eyes and quickly change into my purple dress. When I walk into her room I see a very mad Crystal.

"Yes Miss?" I ask.

"I need some tea. Also what took so you so long?" She asks.

"I had to get dressed Miss," I say

"If I call for you, you come in even if your naked!" She say madder than she was before, "Go to the whipping post now."

  I nod and walk that way. When I get the post in the middle of the back yard of the estate two guards were already there.

"Again already Miss Lillian?"

"Yes,"I say.

"Well I mean we don't mind you are the most pretty slave we've every seen," they say as they stare at everything but my face.

  They come up behind me and chain my hands to the post. They rip open the back of my dress and back away to start whipping me. The first few times I didn't even feel it but then I did. I bite my lip so hard it starts to bleed. On the final lash I let out a yelp of pain.

"You hear that?" One of the guards say and they chuckle, "Maybe we should hit her a few more times for good measure?" The other guard says.

  They hit me three more times as tears fall down my face., but I do not scream so I don't give them satisfaction. When they come up to free my wrists I pass out from the pain.

  I wake up in my room laying on my stomach and I feel someone touching my back. I wince a little bit.

"Sorry," I hear a small voice say and know it's Matilda.

"It's okay," I say weakly.

"So..maybe it's not such a great time to try and escape?" she says quietly.

"No I'm escaping tonight even if you have to carry me out."

"Okay,"she says nodding.

  A few minutes later she leaves and we plan to meet up in the kitchen at 9. For the rest of the day I lay around relaxing and gathering my strength for tonight. I'm honestly surprised though that Crystal didn't need me at all.

  At 8 I get up slowly wincing a little as I got up. I grab my cloak and put it. I sit around my room for a little while. When I know it's almost 9 I head for the door that leads into the kitchen. When I get there the kitchen is very dark and I can't see anything.

"Matilda?" I say wondering where she could be.

  I hear the large door on the other side of the room open and light floods in. I see Matilda and a bunch of guards come in. They notice me right away.

"Matilda? What are you doing?"I say.

"I'm sorry Crystal made me spy on you. She was going to kill me if I didn't help her." She says with tears in her eyes like she actually cared.

  At that moment a guard lifts his crossbow ready to shoot me. Suddenly Matilda runs in front of the guard and the arrow shoots her. Before I can process anything I bolt off to the servant exit. I swing the door open and dart out towards the woods. As soon as I make it the woods I stop, my back aching horribly. As soon as I hear guards headed my way adrenaline kicks in and I run as fast as I can to freedom.

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