Chapter 7

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  I see Lillian on the ground and soon realize what I have down

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  I see Lillian on the ground and soon realize what I have down. I look down at my hand and it's shaking. She quickly gets up from the ground and runs away. I yell her name trying to get her to stop but she doesn't even turn around once. When I get out of the crowd frantically trying to find Lillian, but I can't find her anywhere. As I keep looking around I know I have screwed up big time.

  After laying in the woods for awhile I decide to go back to my room in the inn

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  After laying in the woods for awhile I decide to go back to my room in the inn. When I make it back to the inn I lay down and fall asleep.

  When I wake up it's mid afternoon. I hear my stomach grumble. I groan because the only place to eat is the tavern and I know who'll be there. After debating for a few minutes I decide to go but I'm going to try to avoid Gaston at all costs. I put on my cloak and head out, knowing that my cheek is as black as night.

  When I walk up to the tavern I hesitate, but then walk through the doors. When I look around I see that there is not very many people here, but of course Gaston is here. I fast walk over to the back table. When I look up from taking my cloak off I see Gaston standing on the table in front of mine and looking straight at me. Then I hear music playing though I'm not entirely sure where it's coming from. And Gaston starts singing:

I missed you and things weren't the same
Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me want to die

  I didn't hear the rest because I walk out. It was sweet that he sang to me and his voice was beautiful, but he is so wrong if he thinks a song is going to fix everything that has happened. I go back to my inn room and lay down on my bed. A few minutes later I hear a small knock on my door. Without even thinking who it could be I say:

"It's unlocked."

  When the door opens I look up to see Gaston. I roll on my other side so I'm facing the wall.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say

"Well then don't talk just listen," he says, "I know what I did was stupid and I really screwed up."

  I quickly sit up on the edge of the bed. "If you think the biggest reason I'm mad at you is because you slapped me then you really are dumb and shallow," I say, "What really makes me mad is the fact that I confess about my past with my dad getting drunk and what do you do? You go to the tavern and get drunk! You also caused harm while you were drunk to not only me, but someone else too!"

"Look I know what I did was very stupid but I was just scared."

"Scared of what?" I ask a little harsher than I intend

"I'm scared of confessing some feelings I have because last time I had feelings like this I was rejected," he says with hurt in his eyes.

"And what are those feelings?" I ask.

"That I love you," he says quietly.

"What?" I ask completely shocked.

"I love you," he says a little louder.

"I-I love you too," I say.

  He looks straight into my eyes. "Really?" he asks, "After everything you love me?"

"Yes," I say honestly.

  He puts his hand on my right cheek (the uninjured one) and rubs his thumb back and forth on my cheek. I lean into his hand as my heart beats a thousand times a minute. I look up into his eyes and he leans down onto the bed and kisses me slowly and I kiss him back. I pull back and look him in the eyes again.

"I can't believe you actually love me," he says

"Well believe it," I say laying back down on the bed.

  Gaston takes off his jacket and lays down next me wrapping his hands around my waist. In that moment I feel like the happiest women alive.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. And Cas I hope you happy you got a scene of Gaston singing to Lillian😂

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