Chapter 17

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  I wake up on the side of the road

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I wake up on the side of the road. I look around confused my horse no where in sight. I look down to see that my white shirt is clean. I pull my shirt up so it's above my wound and it looks like its been rebandaged which makes no since because I couldn't have been out that long. When I start to get up I hear someone running my way. I quickly crouch behind a tree to see who it is. I see a girl stop in front of me wearing a torn up dress and a black cloak. She turns around to see if anyone's behind her and I see the face I know oh so much. I stand up and walk in front of her.

"Lillian?" I say.

"Gaston is that really you?" she says with shock and happiness in her eyes.

"Yes it's me," I say with relief. I lean down and kiss her hard on the lips missing her oh so much. She kisses me back and then pulls back wincing a little bit.

"Are you hurt?" I ask starting to get really mad at whoever did this to her.

"Yes, but I'll be fine until we get back to Villeneuve. I'm just so glad your alive," she says with a small smile.

"Yeah. LeFou found me at the edge of the woods. He probably is going to be mad at me when we get back," I says scratching the back of my neck.

"What could you possibly do to upset LeFou?" she says with her eyebrow raised.

"Um well I was on bed rest but I left in the middle of the night to come find you."

"Oh, well I'm sure he'll understand," she says. Suddenly we hear a noice and I turn around to see what's behind us.

"Oh no they've caught up to me already," she says with fear stricken eyes.

"Come with me I have a plan," I say.

  There are only two guards that run up in front of me. They stop looking around for any sight of Lillian. Then Lillian walks out in front of the guards for a split second I see lots of fear in her face but then it's covered in a mask.

"Hello boys. I suppose your out here looking for me?" She says with a smirk.

"Just come with me and I won't whip you as much as we're supposed," he says with a cocky smirk.

As I walk out behind them I hear Lillian say, "I would be more concerned with what's behind you."

The guards turn around completely confused and then they see me and the only one who looks even a little bit scared is the one who didn't talk.

"Oh so you must be Lillian's lover," the cocky talkative one says, "I mean I wanted to try her out myself but she's too dang stubborn."

  When he says that it really makes me mad. I walk straight up to him and before he has a chance to blink I break his neck and he falls straight to the ground. The other guard looks at me and then runs like the devil himself is after him. I turn back over to Lillian and she looks at me with horror written all over her face.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm fine," she says looking away, "Why did you kill him?"

"Because he deserved it," I say honestly.

"Well that may be but you shouldn't have done it," she says.

"How else did you think we would get out of this situation?" I ask.

"I don't know," she says and then looks down.

  I walk over to her in about two strides and lift her chin so she is looking at me. I was about to say something but we hear the pitter pat of horse hooves. We run out of the road and into the trees. I see the same guard that ran away earlier. He gets off his horse and then heads back leaving the horse in the road as if he knew we were still here. We walk over to the horse and I hop on. I give Lillian my hand to help her up. She slowly gets up while wincing and it kills me that I wasn't able to protect her. Once she's up we ride into the now rising sun back to Villeneuve.

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