Chapter 19

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  I wake and see Lillian laying next to me sound asleep

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  I wake and see Lillian laying next to me sound asleep. I slowly get up so I don't wake Lillian up. I walk outside to get tonight ready. It's been hard keeping this from Lillian but I want her to be completely surprised for tonight.

  When I get back to my house Lillian is up and sitting on the couch.

"Where were you?" she asks.

"Just getting something ready for tonight," I say with a goofy smile.

"And what would that be?" She ask.

"You'll find out," I say with a smirk.

"Ugh fine!" She says.

  For the rest of the day she keeps asking me what we're going to do but I keep my mouth shut. When it's time to leave she changes into a dark purple dress. We hop on my horse and before we leave I stick my hand in my pocket to feel for a small box. Then we ride off. We get to this cliff area when the sun is setting and the view is gorgeous. I look behind me at Lillian and her mouth is ajar making me laugh.

  I get off my horse and help Lillian down. We walk over close to the edge of the cliff where there is a blanket spread out and a candle.

"This what you were planning?" She asks.


"It's beautiful," she says with awe in her eyes.

"No, your beautiful," I say with a smirk.

"I didn't take you as a clique type person," she says giggling.

"You bring the clique out in me," I say smiling.

  She looks back over at the now quickly sinking sun. I light the candle on the blanket and kneel down on one knee behind Lillian.

  I look at the view taking in the view of the sinking sun

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  I look at the view taking in the view of the sinking sun. When the sun completely disappears I turn back around to see Gaston on one knee in front of me and my hands immediately fly to my mouth as I smile.

"Lillian you are the only girl who has truly accepted me and wants me for who I am. You got to know me when know one else did. And gave me a second chance when I didn't deserve it. Honestly I think you are the most beautiful women in the world and I don't deserve you, but I can't imagine another day without you. Would you Lillian have the honor of being my wife?" He asks looking up at me.

Tears are slowly going down my face as he pulls out a beautiful diamond ring.

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I say and Gaston slips the ring on my ring finger. He then stands up and kisses me on the lips and I kiss him back as tears of joy slip down my cheeks. We pull back and stare at each other for a minute looking at each other with smiling faces.

"Is this what LeFou was asking about yesterday?" I ask curiously.

"Yes it was," he says.

I smile up at him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."


So I have to unfortunately say that this fanfic will be coming to a close soon

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