Chapter 21

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*2 year later*

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*2 year later*

  I sit on the couch with my head resting on Gaston's chest and he has arm wrapped around my shoulders. We look down our little Isabelle rolling around on floor trying walk.  She is the cutest thing ever. I get up and walk over to Isabelle picking her up and taking her up to the table. I set her in a chair and watch her eat some food. I hear Gaston get up and comes up behind me wrapping his arms around me and kisses me lightly.

"I love you," he says.

"I love you too," I say with a smile. Gaston then wraps his hands around my stomach looking at it.

"So how's our little Gaston?" He asks.

"We are not naming him after you," I say giggling.

"Then what should we name him?"

"How about Tobias?" I say.

"I like it," he says kissing me again.

I walk over to the fire to see how my latest kill is cooking. Yeah you heard me my latest kill I've finally got good enough to shoot animals. I'm still not as good as Gaston but I'll get there eventually. I walk back to the the kitchen table standing behind Gaston as he plays with Isabelle and I smile thinking to myself how perfect our little family is.

The End

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