you hang out with him for the day💘 ~Ivan

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Jake told you that Ivan really wanted to hang out with you and asked if you could today. You said yes. You got dressed. (Pic at top) Your sister drove you over to Jake's house. You got your bag (purse) and got out. You waved off to your sister as she left. You walked up to the door. Tessa opened the door and she said, "omg. You look slamming for your date tonight." "what date? Ivan and I are just gonna hang out to today." "I said to much. Come in. I'll get Ivan.   Ivan! Y/n is here!" He came running down the stairs. Tessa walked off. Ivan came up to you and hugged you. "You ready?" He asked. You nodded. Since he couldn't drive in the US yet, Jake took you in his car. He drove you two to the cinema. You got there and got out. "Thanks Jake." "no problem. Call me when the movie is over." "k." You guys walked in. Ivan got your tickets and gave u your ticket. You looked at the movie you were going to see. It read the Boss Baby. You just laughed. You to walked in the movie. An hour later the movie was over. You called Jake and told him the movie was over. He drove you guys back to the house. You two got out and went inside. He took you outside and saw that a table with food was set up for you two. You looked at him and smiled. You sat down and ate the delicious food. You ate the food cause you didn't have anything at the movies. "Did u plan everything? Like the meal and the movie?" "yeah. Well I had help. Like the food was made by Emilio and Jake helped to set everything up and he really payed for the tickets." "well thank you. I had fun." He smiled. You two got done and went on a little midnight walk near the beach. After that you went back to the team 10 house. Your sister picked you up. Before you left, you hugged Ivan and thanked him for everything. You grabbed your stuff and kissed Ivan's cheek. You got back to Logan's and went to sleep.

hey everyone! thank all of you guys for the reads! if i can just ask one favor... can you maybe check out my other book on here? its called Story of My life: being michael cliffords daughter. that would be awesome! thanks again! -Jen

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