You meet K-Pop idols (BTS) - E

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(A/n: ok this will before you find out your pregnant which the rest of these imagines will be before that. Plus I updated!)

Ever since you went to the Billboard Awards and saw BTS won the award that Logan presented, you loved them. (Pic at top, plus sry if u don't like them. And vid at the bottom)

You know pretty much everything about them. Emilio and Ivan aren't in Team 10 anymore and aren't living in LA, {😢}, but you are living in the US, in  (home/town)

You're Birthday is coming up soon and Emilio decided that since you always listen to BTS around your house, to surprise you with a private concert with your friends at your hometown fire hall that has a stage. Now, you had no idea what was going on and you didn't even know that he was even coming to (home/town) for your birthday.

He talked to your mom about everything and she said that you will freak out and everyone bought you all BTS things because why not?

Your pov. *next day, your b-day*
I woke up knowing it's my 19th Birthday. 'I just wish that Emilio and the others were here to celebrate with me' 💭 you thought. You got up and showered. When you were done and got changed, you're best girl friends took you out for the day until the private concert.

Emilio pov.
Ivan and I got off the plane ✈️ and her friend picked us up, but first we had to find BTS. Later, we found them and her friend all drove us to her house.

Your pov. *at mall with friends*
"Omg guys, you didn't have to buy me all this stuff." "Yes we did y/n, your the birthday girl!" One friend said. "Yeah, we do it for everyone birthdays in our group plus you deserve it!" Another friend said. We went to the food court and got Subway. It was 3 when we decided to go back home. You got back home and since you think it's just you and your friends for your birthday, you all dress up is BTS merch.

*Later at the fire hall.*
You show up at the hall and you walk in to see the lights are off. The lights turn on and everyone screams "happy birthday!" You see that everyone came for your birthday, by everyone, Emilio, Ivan, Jake, Logan, Erica, all your other friends. You hug everyone and say thanks for coming. When you got Emilio, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and saw RM standing there from BTS, also all the others. You were really shocked and had tears in your eyes. They all hugged you in a group hug and sang, "happy birthday" to you in Korean.
Later they sang some songs and did there dances, you took pictures, Suga played some songs on the piano for you, and it was the best night of your life.... and it all thanks to your amazing boyfriend, Emilio!

Hope you enjoyed this imagine! Hey, I finally updated! Again the rest of these imagines will before you get pregnant. I will update my other books soon! Stay dope! -Jen💙

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