Ivan Imagine for Emely

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Hope u enjoy! EmelyTriska Movie Date

Ivan and I are really really good friends. He flew me out to LA to see him and Emilio and to meet Jake and the rest of Team 10.
Right now you are at the door with your bags. You knocked and Emilio answered it. "Emely!" He hugged you. "Ivan! Emely is here!" He came down the steps and gave you a big hug. You got to meet the rest of the members and hung out all day with Tessa and Ivan of course.
It was about 7, when Ivan came up to when and asked you if you wanted to go and see a movie. You said yes. You too got ready. You too went downstairs and was about the door when Jake asked you guys were you were going while he was vlogging. "To see a movie. See you guys later." You were already out the door. You were by the door when Jake said, "get it Ivan." Ivan came out with a embarrassed face.
You too got a Uber and went to the movies. You got the Cinema and he told you to pick the movie. You picked a scary movie, The Boy. He gave you the ticket and you went in.
After the movie, you walked out with a that wasn't scary expression on your face but Ivan was the total opposite. He had a That Scared the Daylights Out Of Me expression. You laughed. You got in another Uber and drove home. Jake asked you how the movie was. You said fine and Ivan said horrible. You went to bed and fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed! I'm taking a rest from personals. I'm doing the ones that sent me theirs. Stay dope! -Jen💙

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