Chapter Thirty

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He darts as I laugh with joy. The trees whipping past us, wind in my hair, the tingles wherever we touched, I was beautiful.

I lookup and see the moon and smile. I loved the stars.

He slows to a stop in front of a huge house.

People where filing in and out, some dressed up for what looked like a party, and tired people walking in.

We walk in and the house was huge, nothing fancy, it was homey.

"Axel........" I hear an agitated voice sound.

"No Claire, your pregnant. You are not going for a run. It's to dangerous for the baby." A scary voice says.

A shiver goes down my spine.

We walk through the door, and Kyle gets on one knee and pulls me down with him, and stands back up.

"Alpha." He says serious.

"Kyle." He says. He glances at me.

"This is the girl?" He says.

He nods and pulls me closer.

The pregnant woman comes towards me.

"Hi! I'm Claire." She says with a bright smile.

She shakes my hand and Axel- or alpha growls. I shrink back and Kyle glares.

She rolls her eyes. "What is she going to do Axel? She's like a munchkin." She says.

I blush and Kyle chuckles.

"Dylan." I say tucking a hair behind my ear.

"Well Dylan, it's really nice to meet you." She says smiling.

Her gaze turns hard and she turns toward the scary dude.

"If you don't stop growling in my head, I will just have to make you sleep on the couch." She says crossing her arms.

"Well, you know I would lay with you anyways." He says smirking back at her.

"Well, then I will just have to.......and that's bad for the baby. But oh well, big bad alpha has to much pride." She says picking at her nails.

He sighs and runs his face. "Fine. I won't." He says.

She first bumps the air on triumph, and snuggles into his chest, and his scary demeanor.

"So Kyle, why haven you been trianing the past few weeks." The alpha says.

He clears his throat. "The brother that I plan to kill, told this little one," he says gesturing to me, "that he was bailing me out, but instead, transferred me upstate, but don't worry alpha. I took care if it." He says.

"Well good. And what are you going to do about it?" The alpha says gripping Claire tighter.

"Like I said I would sir. Kill him. He separated me and my mate for weeks. And I was planning on telling her soon. But it was delayed til today. Sir, I think he is planning something." He says clenching his fists. I take it in my hand and smooth his plan out, entertaining it with mine.

"It's ok." I say claiming him down.

"No it's not. I never want to be separated from you again." He nuzzles my hair and I look at claire who was wiggling her eyebrows suggestivly. I blush and pull him away.

"Kyle." I say alarmingly. He sighs.

"Well alpha, my mate and I are tired so we will be heading up to our rooms." He says nodding respectively at the scary man.
"We will discuss this matter tomorrow, but for. Now, it's time for rest."

"Bye Dylan!" Claire says. I tell a bye back and follow Kyle.

We get to the room and as soon as it opens, it smells just like him.

It was nice and neat, and didn't appear to have any personal items, except one thing.

A picture of us. I walk up to it and pick it up, seeing I us, and a tiny little bay in Kyle's arms smiling away.

"Who is that?" I say pointing to the little boy. His eyes held pain.

"Kenny." He says. "Your family likes K's don't they?" I say smiling.

"Yeah. They did." He says sadly. "How did they die?" I ask him.

His face turns grim.

"Kane." He says and my breath hitched.

"Kane killed his own family?" I say. Kyle nods.

I set the picture down and turn to him once more.

"Let's not talk about that." I say to him.

I look down at my clothes and huff. "I got nothing to wear." I say getting up and walking to the closet.

I decided to throw on one of his t-shirts.

He had a bunch of goodies. I would have to steal one.

I walk into the bathroom and change out of my clothes, leaving only Kyle's shirt, and my undies.

I walk out pulling my hair up and the bed to see Kyle laying down.

He was changed into shorts but nothing else.

I climb into the bed and he gets under the covers.

"Did we used to do this a lot?" I said. I felt like I did this a million times.

He pulls me close and kisses my head.

"Yup. Every night." He says tiredly.

He pushes himself down to my stomach nd snuggles in while I play with his light brown strands.

I start to him a tune and soon Kyle falls asleep.

Once I was sure he was sleeping, I started to talk.

"I don't know if you hear this or not, but if you do then cool. A conversation that we don't have to have. If no, then I will have to repeat. I don't know about this bond thing or what it does, but I feel like you are what makes me complete. You make me feel beautiful, happy, and you can make me feel sad." I say my mood changing but I continue.

"When you kissed me in the cafeteria, I was surprised, happy even. Your the first guy I have actually had an internet in. And i thought, ' Well lucky me. I found the right person for me on my first try." I chuckle. I run my fingers through his hair thinking of what to say next.

" and then in those woods, you said it was to get me to stop talking. I thought you led me on.

Then you got arrested for me, so I felt like we had a chance." I say a stray tear running down my face but I wipe it off quickly.

"And you told me on those cells what mates where. And you described her, it sounded nothing like me. I didn't know til today it was me. When I thought you got bailed out and had been avoiding me." I say the last sentence my voice cracking, and the floodgates opened.

"I couldn't bare the thought of you being with anybody else." I say.

I rub his cheek.

"I thought you didn't want to see me, and I accepted that. I still wanted to be friends. And I had to respect your mate, and decisions. And if she wear the choice, then so be it." I say the tear s drying up now.

"And when you told me, that I was yours, and you where mine, it was like a tons worth of sorrow and pain lifted off my shoulders. Then I knew for sure. I found the right guy the first try."

I look down to see his eyes open. And with a choked sob, I say the words I made the at whole speech to show him..........

"Kyle......I love you." I say and he hugs me close as I cry out my tears of the emotional roller coaster that I just stopped on.

But I felt this was just the beginning.


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