dead fish

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I quietly tapped my pencil on the side of my desk, listening to our chemistry teacher rant on and on about rules and lab partners. Every time he mentioned the word "partner", Evee and I would shoot eachother the "Let's be partners so we can laugh the whole time and get nothing done" look.

I turned my attention back to the teacher and attempted to listen.
"Make sure that you bring your lab gear everyday you come in. Otherwise, you won't be participating and that right there my friends, is called a failing grade." He called out to the class. His bald head was unusually shiny and it made me very uncomfortable.

"Now, because today is your first day, I'll be taking attendance then handing out the lab gear so I can instruct how they're used. Understood?" A series of 'yes sir's echoed throughout the classroom. I glanced at the whiteboard behind him.

Mr. Devon Curtis was his name.

I'm pretty sure I named my old goldfish that.. I thought to myself, smirking into space. Curtis.

"Would you mind sharing what's so funny over there, Ms. Fisher?" I flinched. My stomach churned as I looked at his unforgiving cold eyes.
"S-sorry sir.." I stammered, shifting my gaze. "It's not important."
I expected it to end right then and there like it did in middle school, but unfortunately...
"Obviously its more important than what I'm saying, so please! Please share." I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.
"In fact, why don't you come up here and announce it to the entire class?" I shot Evee a death glare as she snickered in the corner.
"Come on! We don't have all day!" Mr. Curtis said. I slowly got up from my desk and made my way to the front of the room. Slowly... I thought. Slowly...

With a quiet creak, a tall, lean figure slowly entered the classroom. He was wearing black jeans and a white hoodie with the hood covering his face. Mr. Curtis looked straight at him and frowned.
"Now don't you give me that smile, Alvin. You were late all year last year and you will not be this year. And take off that hood!"

I really wish he didn't take off that hood. But once he did, I never wished he would put it back on. As his hood fell down, my eyes set upon the most beautiful human being I had ever seen. My thoughts immediately flew back to all my previous crushes. Tall and short, blonde or brunette, nice or salty--- but they all looked like trash compared to...this. The deep dimples that came with his goofy smile almost overpowered me. His jawline was sharp and angled, and I could throw away all my knives at the cafeteria because the lunch ladies could cut anything with that jawline.

I shook my head and tore my eyes away.
"Sorry, Mr. Curtis."
His voice.
"I won't do it again."
Smooth like honey.
Wait. What? No. I shook my head once more and focused on the teacher.

"Get to your seat. Lovely Ms. Fisher here was just about to tell us what she was smiling about earlier. His soft brown eyes fell on me, twinkling. My heart fluttered. He mouthed the words I'm sorry before heading back to his seat which unfortunately, unlike most romance movies, was not next to mine. My cheeks flushed a mad red as everyone waited for me to speak.
"So? Ms. Fisher?"

"W-well um.." I felt nervousness building up inside of me, and I felt like I was going to pop. I took a sharp breath in.
"We're waiting, Ms-"

I glanced at the chemistry teacher as he glanced back with wide eyes.

The class erupted in joyous laughter, filling my ears with pure dread. I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at Alvin. My stomach did a floop-dee-flop as I realized he was smiling. At me. Mr.Curtis motioned for me to go back to my seat, his other hand rubbing the bridge of his nose.

The rest of the day went by in a flurry. And so did my mind, of course. Alvin occupied it all day, and I was mad at myself for thinking about him instead of Calculus. Soon the day was over, and I was itching to go back to my dormroom and hang out with Evee.

I entered the dormitory through the thin glass doors. Fumbling for my dormroom key, I felt myself bump into someone short and curvy. I looked down. There was a small, platinum haired girl who had a nose the size of a boulder. It was thin and peaked, resembling her eyebrows which---- like her nose--- were huge. Her whitish-blonde hair fell down past her butt and close to behind her kneecaps. I slowly backed up, holding up one hand in apology.
"I'm really sorry, I didn't see you there." She gave me a large smile. "It's okay," she pursed her lips together and paused. "Were you the girl who named her dead fish after Mr. Curtis?" Before I could reply, she placed a small hand covered with very long, bright crimson fake nails on my shoulder. Long nails made me queasy. I tried my hardest not to cringe as she tapped her nails on my shoulder and said:
"That was hilarious!"
I watched her slowly walk away, her dark brown leather boots clicking on the linoleum flooring.

×hey hey hey! im back again! how'd you guys like this chapter? bad or rad? comment below. :))
honestly, this chapter was fun as hell to write. im honestly taking my time with this series though, because like ive done in the past, i don't want to lose inspiration and quit the story. anyway, what was your reaction to alvins description? if you didn't get a good description, i could show you a picture. though I probably couldn't find one as good-looking as i described.

i lied :]

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i lied :]

tbc away!!!!!!!!!

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