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Ever been in such an awkward situation you kinda just wanna curl up into a ball and stop existing? Yeah. Same.

I stretched my eyes open, then squinted them again as I realized I was staring at a very bright light. My mind immediately flew to one thought.

A hospital?!

I shook my head and looked around. No, it was nothing like that. It was my living room light. I felt the area around me. I was on my couch. My vision still a little blurry, I saw that there was someone sitting next to me. Rubbing my eyes did me good and I tried to get a better look at them. My heart began to beat half a mile an hour once I saw it was Alvin.

I tried to think of a million cute things to say like, "Did you save me?" or "You're so sweet, Alvin!" but the only words that came out of my mouth were:

"What time is it?"

I heard him chuckle.
"It's about 11." I sat straight up on the sofa.
"You mean to tell me," I began, my voice shaking. "That you stayed with me for 3 hours?" He looked at me and blinked.
"Of course!"
"Why would you do that?"
He hesitated. I saw something flash in his eyes; something that he wasn't telling me.
"Why not? Besides, you hit your head, I didn't want you to die or anything. But you should be fine."
Silence filled the room. The only sound was the noise of the gentle pit-patter of rain beginning outside.

Alvin stood up, wiping his hands nervously on his ebony work pants. "Well, I should go. It sounds like the rain is starting. Are you okay?" I immediately got up and nodded.
"Yeah, absolutely." I walked towards the door and opened it for him. He stood in my kitchen room staring at something on the floor.

"What's the matter?"
He turned to me and broke out a goofy grin.

"The pizza." It was splattered all over the floor, the red pizza sauce lining the hard flooring and the dishwasher. I shrugged while I internally screamed.
"I'll clean it up."

Alvin nodded. "I can get you another one tommorow." I shook my head.
"Don't bother; its just a pizza." he grinned again and and bit his lip, making my heart practically turn into the mushed pizza.
"We'll see about that." he whispered. I blushed a mad red and looked away. I don't think I was supposed to hear that. I showed him out the door, waving to him as he waved back, his dimples visible in the dark light.

I close the door and turn around, trying to take in all that just happpend. I place my hand of the counter and feel something hard, yet soft.
Alvin left his pizza cap?! I thought, trying not to panic. Instead of putting it in my bag to give to him tomorrow, I carried it to my room. I slipped under the covers and curled up next to the cap, my thoughts of the day fading away as I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with knots in my hair and I smile on my face. Today's going to be a great day! I thought, as I climbed out of bed and headed into the shower. I closed the door and heard Evee open her bedroom door. I turned on the rushing water and giggled at her shocked yell at the pizza I left all over the floor.
"I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO EAT!" I heard her scream.

The hot water felt amazing as it ran down my back and onto the shower floor. I quickly got up, dried off, and did light make-up.

Choosing an outfit for the day has got to be the hardest part of my day. I decided on a large grey sweater, ankle-cut jeans, and my holographic Adidas. I brushed my hair and decided to leave it down then headed back out to check if Evee was out yet. Fortunately, she was, and we were able to leave for the cafeteria in no time.

"I heard a lot of racket last night," Evee said, poking at the strange brown lump on her plate. "Did you bring a guy over or something?" I shook my head vigorously.
"Nothing at all like that!" she raised an eyebrow at me.
"Then what was it?"
"You slipped?"
Evee, shook her head, giggling.
"There was definitely a guy over."

I headed towards chemistry, my lab gear bouncing around in my bookbag as I tried to get to class before it started. I was just about to walk through the door when I heard a voice calling me.

Must be Evee. I thought, as I turned around.
But it wasn't.
"Hey! Fisher! Wait up!"
It was Alvin. I nervously stuck my hands in my jean pockets and looked down, afraid that if I saw his face I would kiss him right then and there. Luckily, that didn't happen.
"Hey, Alvin." I gave him a little smile as he grinned his classic at me. We began to walk into the classroom, side by side.
"Yknow, I never caught your name," Alvin said, attempting to place one hand on the desk and crossing one foot over another. Is he...flirting? I thought. I shook my head. Don't flatter yourself, Lynn.
"Its Lynn," I said. "Lynn Fisher." Alvin nodded slowly.
"Let me ask you something, Lynn," he started. "Did it hurt?" Something in my mind clicked.
Yup. He's flirting. Just play along, Lynn. Stay calm. I calmly rolled my eyes. "Did what hurt?" I asked innocently.
"Did it hurt when you fell from- AHHH!" The desk he was putting his weight on slid from under his hand and Alvin went plummeting to the floor.

Now I should have done what any girl would have done. Rush towards him and ask: "Ohmygosh! Are you okay?" But my stupid a** did the complete opposite.
I laughed. And I laughed hard. I laughed my loud, high pitched laugh that I've hated since I was a kid. I laughed until tears were streaming down my face and I was clutching my stomach and on the ground next to him. When I was finally done, I looked at him, my face still red from my laughing.

I was worried that he'd be offended, but when I looked at him, he didn't look offended at all. He was smiling.
"What?" I asked him, wiping my eyes.
"Your laugh," he said. I swallowed.
"I know, its weird I'm so-"

"It's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

× my heart!! does anyone else think that alvin is just the CUH YOOTEST thing ever? i know my last chapter was hella short, so I posted a long one for you guys. i hope your reaction was the same as mine when alvin said her laugh was cute

anyway, testing just recently ended so im hoping ill get to upload chapters even more frequently

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anyway, testing just recently ended so im hoping ill get to upload chapters even more frequently. look out for part five, and i can tell you that alvin will do something very, very cute. but for now, ill leave you in suspense.

tbc away!!!!!!!

Pizza Boy [COMPLETED] #TheMistAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now