easter · part III

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Alvin and I stared at the piece of crumpled paper in my hand. The rhyme made no sense to me, or him.

It is held with a wish, by a man who was a fish.

Alvin shoved the paper back into the egg.
"Whatever," he said, "Lets just check the rest of the places on the map.

We went to the park and found many more eggs- none of which were golden. The sweets we ate throughout gave us enough sugary energy to battle through the search. We looked through the bathrooms, the classrooms, main halls, and even the teacher lounge. We flopped down for a break on a bench near where we started.
"I'm thirsty." I grumbled, putting my head on Alvin's shoulder.
"I'm tired," he said, playing with my hair.
"I'm bored."
"I'm hungry."
"I'm annoyed.
"I'm in love."
I turned to Alvin.
"I'm in love." he repeated, caressing his thumb on my cheek. Instead of kissing him, I melted into his touch and snuggled up against him.


It seemed like we sat there for hours, the air around us getting colder and windier. I heard Alvin take out the paper again. I studied his expression as he stared at it. He took out the other one and held it up next to it.

"In the most likely of places, with one of the most familiar of faces, you'll find your egg." he spoke suddenly, making me jump. He continued on. "It is held with a wish, by a man who was a fish."

He paused.
"By a man who was a fish..."
His eyes suddenly widened.

"I know where the third golden egg is."

We stood in the doorway of Mr. Curtis' classroom, both of our arms folded across our chests.
"I never thought you'd bring my fish into this, Mr. Curtis," I said, smiling. Alvin grinned.
"May we have the third golden egg please?"

Mr. Curtis stood up from his desk, an amused smile playing on his face.
"I'm impressed." We both grinned excitedly and headed towards him to claim our prize.
"But, unfortunately, a student already claimed the golden egg."
"What?!" I practically shouted.
"They didn't even solve the riddle, they just found its hiding spot." Mr. Curtis said sheepishly.

"Would you at least tell us who got it?" Alvin asked. My mind was screaming Alex, and I'm sure Alvin's was too.
"I'm sure you know her," The teacher began, signing a few papers. Her? "Evee came by a few...lets see... Minutes ago?"

A michevous grin broke out on my face to match Alvin's. Mr. Curtis' watch buzzed, and he looked at it expectantly. "Just as I thought. The hunt ends soon, which means you have approximately... 3 minutes to get the egg? Make sure you-"
But we were already gone.

I spotted her walking hand in hand with Max, giving eachother gooey flirtatious glances. I scrunched up my nose.
"I almost want to let them keep it!" I laughed. Alvin smiled at me. "Lets catch up to them."
We jumped inbetween the two, stopping their conversation. I pulled Evee aside while Alvin pulled aside Max.

"Listen, Evee. You know that $500 egg?" She nodded, pouting slightly.
"Yes, girl. Don't you try and take it from me, its mi-" she stopped midsentence as she saw the large tootsie roll in my fingers. I grinned at her, knowing it was her weakness.

"I'll give you eight." I tempted, swinging it infront of her nose. She hastily gave me her entire basket and took the tootsie rolls. Alvin came over with Max's basket. Apparently, they both like tootsie rolls.

Mr. Curtis stood infront of the crowd, waving his hands to calm everyone down.
"Hello everyone! It is now the closing of Skyline University's first annual Easter egg hunt!" People talked in hush whispers as they impatiently waited to see who got the $500.

"For the moment you've all been...loudly.. waiting for, I will now announce who found all three of the eggs." the crowd basically exploded, jumping with suspense and awe.
"Without further ado, the five hundred dollar prize goes to... Alvin Republic and Lynn Fisher!" the crowd erupted in praise as Alvin and I headed to Mr. Curtis, shook his hand, and gave him a hug.

We struggled to hold the large check as we hauled it in the backseat of Alvins car - we agreed he would keep it and we would split it later.

I watched in awe and in utter confusion as he climbed on top of his car and held out his hand to pull me up. I gingerly took it and was pulled on top of the car and next to Alvin, facing the stars and a bright full moon that seemed smile at us. Alvins hand wrapped around my shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. The stars seemed to twinkle brighter then they ever had before. Each star looked like a small, glittery white fleck in the middle of a deep, dark ocean.

Alvin buried his face in my neck.
"Happy Easter, Lynn. I love you." he whispered, his hot breath trailing down my neck.

"I love you, too."

× cute cute? as you guessed, there are only 3 parts of the little Easter special series, so I hope you enjoyed it. please tell me if you liked it or not, I did feel like this chapter was a bit rushed, but I liked writing it nonetheless. anyway, happy Easter everyone! make sure you stay safe, happy, and healthy!

 anyway, happy Easter everyone! make sure you stay safe, happy, and healthy!

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tbc away!!!!!!!

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