
13 1 1

I tapped my pencil on my desk, grinning at what Alvin had said yesterday. I bit my lip, remembering how deep and passionate the kiss was.

"Class dismissed!" Cried Mrs. Gurphy, seconds before the ocean of kids began to crash into the halls. I swiftly pushed and passed through everyone, ignoring the glares that stung my back. My next class was chemistry, Alvin's class. I was determined to see him again.

I was just about to walk into the hallway leading to the room when I heard someone call out to me.

"Where you heading so fast, Fisher?" I turned around with a small smile.
"Hey, Alvin."
"Hey, Lynn! Heading to chemistry?" I nodded. He gave me a knee weakening smile.
"Let's walk together."

I gave him a thumbs up, a small blush creeping up my cheeks as I felt our hands intertwine.
"So, about that dinner," he said, grabbing both of my hands and walking backwards infront of me. "I was thinking after we eat maybe we could-"
"Watch it, man!" Alvin spun around. A guy slightly taller than Alvin stood infront of him. He was well toned with beautiful hazel, blue eyes and tousled, blonde hair. I couldn't help but stare at his mesmerizing features. He turned to face Alvin, slightly towering above him.

"Watch where your going, dude!" He said. Alvin stood up infront of him, puffing out his chest to make him appear taller.
"Chill bro, just passing through." Alvin grabbed my hand and pulled me close as we moved past him. I turned around to look at him one last time. He smiled and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Alex!" he called after me, and shot me a wink. I guessed it was his name. A light blush creeped up my cheeks as I entered the chemistry room and Alvin and I went our separate ways.

( 6 hours later )

"I. Have. Nothing. To. Wear." I flopped face-first on the bed. My room door suddenly burst open, and Evee slid in imitating police sirens.
"Fashion police!" I laughed and approached Evee.
"I have a date with Alvin at 7, and my closet is full of plain old crap," I said. "Help. Me." 

Evee grinned and laid out 16 outfits on the floor and bed.
"Try these!" I rolled my eyes and groaned.
"I only have until 7, you know that right?"
"Oh, you're right. Sorry!" she left and brought back 3 more outfits.
"Here you go!"
"Fine, fine."

An hour later, I was dressed in a light, sunflower printed dress, my hair in a single french braid down my back. Tan, glossy flats lined my feet, and my neck, wrists, and ears were equipped with silver accessories. Pinkish transparent lipgloss stained my lips and my cheeks were dashed with blush. I slung my purse around my shoulder and opened the closet door to face Evee. She pretended to dramatically pass out.
"You look hot!" I gave her a big hug and poked her in the gut.
"What would I ever do without you?"
"You wouldn't have to worry about that. I'll always be here for you." I hugged her again, grateful for such a good best friend.

The doorbell rang, making me jump. Evee pulled away from the hug and nearly pushed me into the door. "Go Lynn go!"

I opened the door and immediately felt a gigantic wave of heat fly to my cheeks. Alvin was wearing a light blue button up dress shirt with dark blue jeans and black dress shoes. His hair was combed and piled on his head like a stack of pancakes.

He took one look at me and then tilted his head up into the sky.
"OH YEAH!" He shouted, his voice echoing into the neighborhood. I closed the door and brought my finger up to my lips.

"Shhh! You don't have to be so loud!" I said, laughing.
He opened the door for me as I approached the car and gave me a cheesy smile.
"M'lady?" I giggled and entered the black vehicle.

A few minutes later we arrived at Sweet n' Salty Pizza, a simple yet elegant looking pizza restaurant. We walked in the restaurant, hand in hand as we asked for a table and sat down.

A very familiar looking waiter came up to the table and handed out several menu booklets.

"Hello, my name is Alex," he stated simply. "And I will be your waiter today." He looked straight at me and shot me a dazzling wink.

My throat went dry and I looked down at the menu. I felt Alvin stiffen across from me.
"Is it possible we could get another waiter?" he asked, staring straight at Alex. Why would Alvin say that? I thought, alarms going off in my head. I looked at Alex expecting a reaction, but he just chuckled.

"Why would you want another waiter?" Alex laughed. "I haven't done anything." Alvin narrowed his eyes and looked at the menu.

After Alex left I glanced at Alvin.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine."
After that, we had gotten our drinks and ordered our meals even though there was tension every time Alex came back.

The trouble started when I needed a refill of water. Alex brought over the big jug, his eyes on me the whole time. He shot me another wink and bit his lip as he poured the water, knowing that I was staring at him. Alvin suddenly spoke.

"That's it. Where's the manager? I want a new waiter."
Alex raised one eyebrow.
"Why? What have I done? I'd like to stay your waiter." A moment of silence passed through the table. "And I'm sure your pretty little friend likes it that way."

I clenched my jaw. Alex flicked his tongue out, slowly licking his lips.
"Cutie," he said, and shot me a crooked smile and yet another wink.

Alvin suddenly pushed his chair backwards and stood up, standing infront of Alex, a dangerous glint in his eye.
"You're taking this way too far, man," Alvin said. Alex took another step towards Alvin.
"Am I?" I slowly got up; they looked very close to fighting.
"Now lets just calm down..." I began, approaching them. Alex looked Alvin straight in the eye.
"Maybe she would prefer 'too far' over you any day-"

Alvin swung his fist, connecting with with the side of Alex's head perfectly, knocking him to the floor.

I began to scream, trying to hold Alvin back as he got on top of Alex and began brutally punching him over and over. When he was finished, the diner was completely quiet. Alvin wiped his mouth and spat to the side.

"What an a**."

× hey there! need some air?
how did you guys think of this chapter? it was sorta long, so I hope you liked that. if you didn't get a good description of Alex, I found a picture for ya!

 if you didn't get a good description of Alex, I found a picture for ya!

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Ikr, freaking model-looking. any feedback? Tell me what you think!

tbc away!!!!!!!

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