learn (last chapter)

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They were pulling the plug on Lynn today.

No matter how many times I got down on my knees and begged, fat, cold tears rolling down my cheeks, they just looked at me with sympathy and told me it was law.

"Please, Mr. Morrison! I'll do anything!"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Republic. You can say your goodbyes."

I nodded, my mouth dipped into a deep frown which tears kept falling over. Mr. Morrison and his nurses left me alone in the room, gently closing the door behind them.

I gently crept over beside the cot, gazing at Lynn's beautiful face. My eyes flicked towards the heart monitor. Her heart was just barely beating, causing the smallest and slowest of bumps in the lifeline. I grabbed Listen to the Wind and sat beside her, reading the last chapter. I turned the creamy page lined with black lettering to see a song at the end of the book.

I began to quietly sing the song to her, more tears falling from my eyes and onto her bed sheet.

"Close your eyes and listen, listen to the wind,"

I clutched the wooden from at the side of the bed, my sobs causing my voice to become distorted.

"Can you it whispering to you? In a single moment, let it lift you up, and take you to a place, where all your dreams come true,"

I ran my thumb across her cheek, picturing her eyes opening and her beautiful smile beaming at me.

"Listen to the wind, listen to the wind, calling out you, calling out to you. Let it take you soaring through a lovely sky of blue,"

The doctors quietly came in, but I ignored them and continued singing.

"Listen to the wind, listen to the wind, let it bring you home, let it bring home. And some day it will return again for you."

I laid my head on Lynn's chest, sobs ripping out of my mouth, my shoulders shaking uncontrollably. A small hand laid on my shoulder. I flinched and threw it off me.

"Mr. Republic,"
I looked towards the doctors.
"Please," I whispered.

I fought with all my might as they tore me away from her cot, Mr. Morrison's hand on a giant white plug. They stopped restraining me as I had seemed to calm down.

My heart began to beat faster and faster in my chest as I heard nurses begin the ten second countdown. The crinkling of a body bag pushed me to the limits.

My mind begin to race, my vision becoming distorted. I was going mentally insane.

I gripped my hair with both hands, crouching to the floor and screaming with all my might as I heard the plug being pulled out of the giant outlet.


I listened for a beep of the heart monitor.


"Is it over?" I whispered, opening one eye."

A sweet, melodic voice drifted to my ears.
"Is what over?"

I jerked my head up, seeing the heart monitor strongly beeping and Lynn sitting up on the cot, her hand on her head.
"My head hurts."

I began to laugh. Not a crazy one, but a loud, blissful one. One filled with pure joy as I raced back over to the cot and tangled myself with Lynn. She hugged me back, seeming confused yet grateful. I reluctantly pulled away as she said I was squishing her.

The doctors were scribbling down notes on paper, mouths wide open.
"This is history!" Mr. Morrison cried.

( An hour later )

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