sugar sweet

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My eyebrows furrowed together as my fingers moved across the phone screen. Alvin and I had been texting back and forth about what had happened yesterday. My face broke out into a smile when Alvin invited me out for a picnic to discuss it all. "A first date do-over", he called it.

I send him a smiley face for confirmation and dropped my phone on the bed, hurrying to get dressed.

I quickly threw on a soft white shirt with colorful, patterned brown shorts. I swung a long white knitted sweater over myself and did a light amount of make-up, stringing a couple golden necklaces around my throat.

 I swung a long white knitted sweater over myself and did a light amount of make-up, stringing a couple golden necklaces around my throat

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I grabbed my Fiji water bottle and walked outside my dorm and the building as he told me to meet him there.

A couple minutes later I approached a large, populated park. Roses and lilacs sprouted from the sides of the grey tiled sidewalks, green and brown leaves scattering around my feet as I walked. I got lost in the scenery as birds chirped overhead, the sun shining bright rays through the trees and onto the bright green grass.

I jumped a little as a loud voice startled me. I turned my head towards the noise and spotted Alvin waving frantically, grinning as he watched me walk over. He was dressed in blue shorts with a white T-shirt, silver sunglasses resting on his bed of hair. He sat on a red and white checkered blanket - the average for a picnic. Instead of a nice woven basket filled with crust-less tuna sandwiches and apple juice, pepperoni pizza and coke was splayed upon the colorful blanketing.

I smiled and crouched infront of him.
"Nice choice of food," I said. "Very... elegant."

We chatted on for what seemed like hours, throwing the occasional insult at the mention of Alex.

"Wanna go for ice cream?" Alvin asked, after sitting in comfortable silence for a few minutes. I nodded enthusiastically, blushing as I earned a chuckle from Alvin.

We walked together, hand in hand as the ice cream shop was not too far away. Alvin and I entered the cute, simple place, the smell of vanilla and sugar filling my nose as we walked through the chiming doors.

I ordered a strawberry-banana soft serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a shower of rainbow sprinkles. Alvin, on the other hand, ordered an extra-sweet, cotton candy ice cream with hot fudge and caramel. The top was covered with gummy bears and jolly rancher bits. I glanced at his diabetes-on-a-cone as he bit into the cold desert.
"You must love sweet things," I say, laughing as he makes a goofy face from a brain freeze.
"Exactly! That's why I love you!" he says, leaning over and pecking a kiss on my lips. I froze, heat rushing to my cheeks.
"Too soon?" he asked, his face falling. I hesitated, then leaned over and returned the kiss, leaving him smiling as I pulled away.
"No, it was cute."

( Time Skip )

We stood outside the girls dormitory once more, basketing in eachothers gaze and presence as the sun slowly set behind the tall campus buildings.

"I enjoyed hanging out with you today," I said, tucking a strand of my ombre hair behind my ear. Alvin nodded, looking at me fondly with a small smile playing on his lips.
"Me too, I don't want it to end."

His eyes suddenly light up. "Maybe we could hang out again tomorrow! I know this great place-" I gently press a finger to his lips, my heart dropping as I prepare to tell him the bad news.
"Actually Al, I can't go out with you again tomorrow," Before he can ask why, she continues. "Evee and I were planning on hanging out tommorow." Alvins face fell, then quickly recovered back into a smile.
"Its okay, I understand." I nod and kiss him on the cheek, earning a rare blush from him.
"Night, Alvin." I turn around after shooting him a smile and walk to the dormitory.
"Night, Lynn."

× this was just a short, cute chapter to explain Alvin and Lynn's relationship a little bit better. i hope you guys enjoyed it because I definitely did! i think I made some p.o.v mistakes somewhere so if you find them, let me know. I've noticed that my book has been growing in popularity and the views are increasing so id like to ask for you guys to comment more! Please don't be a silent reader! I write to you guys so I hope you will write to me. Getting that out of the way, I may be releasing a new fanfiction soon called: "This Love is Real". Look out for that because im expecting this one to be really good. This is more on the sci-fi side and less romance, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless. anyway, I need ideas ASAP for pizza boy, im running out. if you have any, let me know and ill be sure to add them into the story. thanks loves!!

tbc away!!!!!!!!!

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