Taking it In

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(Blaze's POV)

I walk threw the woods with the shot gun in hand. The other pack members were sniffing the air. They were trying to get his scent ,but I guess no one got ahold of it. I sigh, all these omegas can't track worth shit. I'm not putting them down. Or saying I'm better ,it's just a fact. I make one of the men in our group hold my gun as I transform into my Black wolf.

I howl loudly, sniffing the ground then the air to pick up a scent. I smelt around for quite a while ,but finally I got something. I howl running threw the woods ,dodging trees as I go.

I stop sniffing the air after about 15 minutes. I walk around ,looking for any sigh of him. I could hear the sound of the omegas looking for me.

But I felt like someone was watching me. So I didn't attempt to howl for the others. I take a deep breath changing into my human form again. The sense of a presence becomes clearer now. "Come out you son of a bitch," I turn around hearing people whispering. One stood out to me. It was a women. "You think you can save her?" She laughs, "You can't save someone who doesn't even know how powerful they are."  Her voice was so matter of factly about it.

"Kade, is no different from me!" I hear the whispering stop, "why do you even care! She just wants to figure out why her dads not... dead!" The creaking of twigs were haunting. I realized then that I fucked up.

"Oh, but that's the mystery isn't it? Why would her dear dad lie to her? Why would he disappear. Fake his own death. That's because she had to be kept safe from me," she says, "BUT now that I know her father ,an old friend of mine, is alive along with Kade.. she isn't safe anymore." Suddenly about three rouges jump me tearing at my skin. Eating away at me. I transform into my wolf again as the omegas come. But it didn't help because more came from the woods killing most of my team.

I fight off the best I can ,and suddenly as fast as they came they left. The dust was kicked up ,and it looked like a war zone. Blood was splattered everywhere. Most of my team was killed before my eyes.

"You have no idea what she is ,or what she can't remember happened," I hear the women whisper. The thought traveled threw my head ,and it confused me.

"Round up the survivors! Hurry we have to get them to the village!" I grab some of the men ,and I jog off. I couldn't help but feel bad they wouldn't be like this if I hadn't been so prideful.

Who is that women was the question piecing threw my mind. And why is she wanting to keep the truth from Kade that bad? Why would she try to kill me to keep it.

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