Chapter 1

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Blakes POV

Hey everyone my names Blake Taylor, and I live with my dad and my 4 older brothers. My dad works a lot so I don't really see him that often, so my older brothers look after me.

The oldest of my brothers are Bradley and Braden, they are 18 and are in the 12th grade and they're in there Senior Year. Bradley is the oldest of the two by 3 minutes, they are really athletic and both play football and soccer, they are really good at it, they both do wresting too and are really strong. Bradley is 6'3 and Braden is 6'2.

Then there's Noah, he is 17 years old and is in the 11th grade and is in his junior year. Again Noah is very athletic, he plays football, wresting and soccer as well and is also the captain of the  basketball team. He is 5'11.

Landon is 16 and is in the 10th grade and he is a sophomore. Landon plays a lot of sports as well he is on the track team and plays football as well as soccer. He also does wresting along with my other brothers. Landon is 5'9.

Then there's me Blake, I'm 12 years old and I'm in the 7th grade and I'm in middle school. I play some sports but I'm not as athletic as my brothers. I'm short compared to my brothers they are really tall, I'm 4'6 so I'm short for my age and really skinny but not in an unhealthy way.


As I'm asleep in my bed I feel a heavy weight land on me. Groaning I open my eyes annoyed that someone had woken me during the summer, I see Landon and Noah sitting on me. "Ugh get off me. You guys are so fat" I wheeze out trying to get more oxygen. "Aye Blakey that's not fat it's pure muscle" Noah replies while he and Landon flex there muscles.

While they pay attention to themselves I take that as an opportunity to push them off me. A few seconds after I hear a groan of pain and looking over the side of the bed and see Landon had landed on top of Noah and Noah's holding his head. After seeing that I can't help but laugh, I laugh so much I don't realise that they are standing next to my bed looking down at me with a mischievous glint in their eyes.

"Oh crap." I mumble and leapt towards my door, as soon as I'm about to touch the handle I'm tackled to the ground, "please, come on guys I was only messing around" I plead them wriggling as Landon sits on my stomach and has my arms under his knees holding them there. "I don't know, what do you think Noah?" Landon asks Noah. "Hmm nah I don't think so" Noah replied "please, come on I'm your wittle bwother" I say as innocent as I can whilst giving my best puppy dog eyes. "Nope" Landon says trying hard not to give in.
Until I feel a hand cover my eyes. "Hey move your hand it was about to work then!" I yell at Whoever has there hand over my eyes. "your not getting out of this one buddy" Noah tells me and I start to struggle. At the top of my lungs I yell "BRADLEYYY HELP, HELP BRADENNN BRA-" suddenly a hand is over my mouth and the hand that was covering my eyes is now gone. "Mmahm mahamm" I try calling again but it's muffled. "Shut up will ya!" Noah says while chuckling.

All of a sudden I feel fingers poking my sides and I can't help but to burst out laughing whilst trying to get away from them "Ple-pleasee sto-op pl-esase" I say between laughs. "What was that? Please don't stop" Noah asks smirking "Noo, n-o st-stop" I say having tears in my eyes from laughing so much.

After a few seconds they stop. I close my eyes trying to catch my breath back. I feel the weight lift off me, opening my eyes I see both my brothers standing above me with amusement showing in their eyes whilst looking down at me.

"I hate you guys" I say pouting. I then stand up and walking to my closet, looking for something to wear.

"Yeah of course you do" Landon says as he and Noah walk out of my room laughing.

After getting changed  (in the clothes that are above) I walk downstairs into the kitchen and see all my brothers in there. "Morning" I say as I sit down at the table. I receive multiple "Good mornings" and "mornings"

A plate of food was placed in front me of with 1 egg, 2 pieces of bacon, 1 sausage and some beans with a slice of toast. It's not as nearly as much as my brothers but I'm small so I get full faster. "Thanks" I say to Bradley as I begin to eat. "No problem Blakey" Bradley  replies. "Hey! I've told you guys not to call me that" I say annoyed that I've told them thousands of times not to do it yet they still do. "Yeah but that doesn't mean that we're going to stop" Landon says whilst rolling his eyes.  "Whatever" I mumble back, turning my attention to my food.

"When's dad coming home?" I ask no one in particular. "He said he won't be home for another three weeks buddy" Braden says in a soft tone. "Oh, uh ok" I mumble back, kinda sad that my dad won't be home during the beginning of summer. "Hey don't be like that Blake. we're going to have loads of fun. I mean we aren't that bad are we?" Noah says while smiling at me, not his infamous smirk but a smile. "No it's not that it's just-" I pause looking down at the table that I am beginning to find interesting "just what bud" Bradley asks me. I can feel all there eyes on me and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks as I start to feel embarrassed with their stares "I- uh - I just miss him" I say quietly as I put my head in my hands now feeling embarrassed and sad.

Suddenly I feel multiple pairs of arms wrap around me and I can feel myself being pulled against a hard chest. "Aww come on don't be sad Blake, we miss him to" I'm pretty sure Noah said that "there's no need to be embarrassed either, how about we stay inside and watch movies?" One of the twins say. "Ok. Ooh can I choose pleasee?" I say once they let me go and I look up at them with my puppy dog eyes. "Ugh fine, only because your upset" Bradley replied "Yess!" I shout as I run into the living room and jump on the couch.


At the end of the night we were in the middle of watching The Maze Runner when I start to feel my eyelids drop, as I feel someone putting my head in their lap as I give in to darkness.

••••  Authors Note ••••

Hey guys, I'll  be uploading another chapter once or twice a week, not sure what day it will be, but stick around to find out about how Blake lives with his 4 older protective brothers!!

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