Chapter 15

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With that said, she leads me to the door and offers to speak with Braden who tells me to wait on the seats.

I do as I'm told and sit down, hugging myself as I wait for my brother to get back. Which doesn't take long at all and before we know it we're on the way back home. "Hey, you okay?" Braden asks.

"Um kinda, can I have a hug?" I ask as I stand up off of the uncomfortable chairs. "Of course Blake, you don't have to ask." Braden says as he engulfs me in a much needed hug. "You are so brave, you know that." He mumbles into my hair, I don't answer not knowing what to really say.

"How about we get some ice cream on the way home? How does that sound?" He asks, trying be to brighten my mood. Which works, "Yes please..." I mumble from the crook of his neck as he picks me up. I'm starting to feel better already.

****** At Home ******

"We're home people!" I shout as me and Braden walk into the house, laughing.

"In the living room!" Someone shouts from, well the living room.

I walk into the room and see my brothers, Justin and mike. "Hey guys." I say as I sit on the couch. I haven't seen any of them since that day at the park.

"Hi." Mike says and Justin asks me "Hey, how you been?" "I've um been ok thanks." I say quietly to which he looks at me unbelieving, but doesn't press on the issue, which I'm happy about.

"Anyway, shall we go in the pool?" Bradley asks. We all agree and then change into our swim trunks.

I'm about to run and cannon ball into the pool before I'm lifted up and brought back to the sun loungers. "Hey! I was going to jump in then." I say pouting. "You need sunscreen on first." Noah replies as he starts putting it on my back. "Ooh it's cold."

"Can I get in now?" I ask impatiently. "Yep." As soon as he says this I run and jump into the pool. As I come up to the surface for air there's a huge splash next to me. Mike comes up to the surface and smirks at something behind me.

Before I can look however, I'm picked up and thrown back into the water, a yelp leaves my mouth and then water fills it.

I jump up coughing slightly, I look around to see my brothers Justin and mike all laughing. I glare at them all before laughing myself.

****** A couple hours later ******

"Right time to get out now Blake. The water must be freezing now." Bradley tells me.

I give a small pout, giving Bradly my best puppy dog eyes, "Just a few more minutes? The sun isn't even gone in yet!" I beg, moving a little further away from the pool side. "No, now out!" He replies sternly.

"No." I say as I stay in the middle of the pool. "I'm not kidding Blake. Get. Out. Now." He says getting a bit mad. "No I want to stay in longer." I say tasing my voice, slightly annoyed.

They always treat me like I'm a little kid and it really annoys me. "Why can't I just stay a little longer? I'm not hurting anyone." I say whining.

"Blake get out now. You can't stay in any longer, you'll get sick." He says with a concerned parental facial expression.

"I won't get sick! I'm not a baby." I shout at him. I then turn around and swim to the other side of the pool while he stands at the opposite side.

"Fine don't come out but don't come to me to help you if you get ill because I tried to tell you." He says angrily as he walks back inside with the rest of them.

As I swim around some more before realise how cold it has gotten since earlier and begin to get out. I wrap my towel around myself, my teeth chatter as the cold wind hits my wet skin.

Maybe Bradly was right, it is really cold. I run into the house, still dripping wet and shivering, trying to warm myself up by rubbing the towel over me.

After I've taken a nice warm shower, I then change into some warm pyjamas and Noah's hoodie. As I'm walking downstairs I begin to feel guilty for not listening to Bradley.

"Bradley!" I call once I am downstairs. "Yeah?" I hear from the living room. I walk over to him sitting on his lap giving him a tight hug, I mumble a quiet "I'm sorry." He hugs me back, and I cuddle into his warmth, sighs tiredly. "It's okay, just listen to me next time." He says. I nod against his chest, curling up even smaller on him.

Bradley turns the big TV on and connects the Xbox to it. I pick up a controller while he picks up another one.

The game starts up and I quickly press the buttons that'll help me get further ahead in the race, "You know I'm good at this game." I chuckle, my tongue pointing out the corner of my mouth as I concentrate on dodging a burning car.

"You're gonna lose this time, little man." He mocks, his car catching up to mine as he nudges me out the way with it. My car spins out of control as a squeal leaves my mouth, pressing all the buttons to get the car back under my control.

A small scoff leaves my mouth, before I squeak when Landon sits next to me and pokes my side. "Landon stop!" I say squirming as he pokes me again, making me lose concentration on the game.

Landon smirks, "Stop what? This?" He pokes me again, and again and I laugh, wriggling away from him.

"Yes," I smile childishly, glancing at him. "Stop that-" I cut myself off with a louder laugh when he squeezes my side a few times, causing me to lose the grip on the controller and it falls into my lap.

But I'm too focused on escaping Landon's grip to notice that Bradley is winning the game.

I sit there pouting as Bradley gloats about winning. "Stop! You only won cause Landon was distracting me." I mumble.

"Hey, it's just a game no need to be moody." Bradley says chuckling slightly along with Landon.

Landon ruffles my hair and coos, "I think he's tired." I huff, but I do feel tired, now that he's said it. "C'mon, let's get you to bed." Bradley picks me up and starts carrying my upstairs, I snuggle up to his warmth and let my heavy eye lids close. "Night." I murmur, letting sleep take over.

****** Authors Note ******

Hey guys it's Jade really sorry for such a late update, I had writers block but hopefully the next chapter should be up soon.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'.

Jade ☺️

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