Chapter 13

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I look down at my hands remembering what I saw and what I did before mumbling. "I should've known, I should have noticed something was off with that man before he went into the toilets and now Blake could be traumatised for life because of me." Braden sighs heavily, his eyes determined eyes meeting mine. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. You couldn't have known. Stop putting unnecessary blame on yourself because that's not going to help anyone." His firm but somehow soft words start to slowly register in my mind before I think that it wasn't all my fault but I'll still feel guilty know matter what but in reality I grumble a small "Ok."

Noah smiles at me to which I return the gesture making it seem as real as possible and then saying a more confident 'Ok' to make it more believable.

****** Blake's POV ******

I can feel his hands on me, they're everywhere, "Stop!" I shout out whilst struggling against the ropes that are tightly wrapped around my wrists. However this does nothing, but make the rope tighter.

"SHU' UP!" Shouts the bile man. I begin to hyperventilate and struggle even more, the darkness consumes me.

Silence, that's all there is. "H-hello?" I stutter out. Turning around I can barley make out the figure standing there, but I know that there's someone there.

"Who a-are you?" I ask making sure to keep my eyes on the figure. A voice that makes me frozen in place. "Oooh you know who I am, how could you forget my precious." He laughs making me wince as I try to move but all I can do is stand there whilst he walks towards me. "I will get you my darling. You're not safe." He says with a menacing laugh

I can do nothing but squeeze my eyes shut. I feel his hands on me, I let out an ear piercing scream.

I wake up to warm arms holding me to them and whispering sweet nothings in my ear. My face is soaked with tears and the only thing that can be heard is the sound of my sobs. I realise it was just a nightmare, clutching onto whoever is holding me for dear life, not letting go afraid that he'll be back and get me.

After about 15 minutes I'm finally down to sniffles. "Hey, hey, hey your okay, your safe, I've got you. Shh shhh shh." Says Bradley calming me down more. "Please don't leave me." I rasp out desperately. "I won't, I won't." I learn my head on his shoulder whilst wrapping my legs around his waist.

He stands up, carrying me and walking downstairs. "How about a glass of water yeah?" He asks setting me on the counter top. I mumble a small 'yes please.'

When we get back upstairs we go into Bradley's room and into his bed. "What time is it?" I ask because it's still dark outside. "Its 3:35 in the morning, so we're going back to sleep ok." "Ok."

I lay my head on Bradley's chest and listen to his breathing. His heart beat slowly lulling me to sleep. ( don't know if lulling is a word but oh well you should know what I mean 😂)

****** 12 in the afternoon******

"Morning." I mutter to Bradley who's getting some clothes from his closet. "Hey sleepy head." He says smiling towards me, which I return.

"I'll be right back." Before I have time to reply he's already gone. I lay back down on the bed and wrap the covers around me so it looks like I'm a burrito.

When Bradley walks back into the room he takes one look at me before bursting out laughing, which makes me join in. After we calm down Bradley says "go take a shower and get dress please." I nod getting up and going into his bathroom.

I shower for about half an hour just scrubbing all over my body to get rid of the mans hands that touch me. By the end of my shower my skin is a painful red colour.

Once I've changed into a black t short and grey joggers (In the picture above) I towel dry my hair and then run into Landon's room and take his blues and grey Adidas hoodie and put it on, knowing he won't mind.

I walk into the kitchen where all of my brothers are sat around the table. "Good morning." I say. "Blake it's past 12." Noah says as they all chuckle, "Ooh yeah, well good afternoon." I correct with a small chuckle of my own.

I walk over to the table and take a seat next to Braden. "Hey is that my hoodie?" Asks Landon, I give a nod with a smile on my face and he mocks anger. "It looks better on me." I reply cheekily, with a laugh. This makes everyone laugh as well.

"Oh yeah, you look so cute Blakey." Says Noah, in a teasing manner. "What? No I don't look 'cute' I look manly." I say while just my hands as quotation marks on the word 'cute'. "No, no defiantly cute." "Yep, I agree with Noah." Says Landon and then "Your adorable too." This was said by Bradley and then Braden says "yeah, I've got to agree with you being cute and adorably, your like a cuddly teddy bear." "No! That's things you'd say about a baby, not a 12 year old boy!" I exclaimed with a pout. "Aw but Blakey your our baby brother." This time Braden says this. They all have smiles on there faces and I realise that I am so thankful that I have them as my brothers.

****** Authors Note ******

Hey guys, thank you so much for 31K views, I really enjoy writing this book, Im sorry that some chapters are later than others, I have been really busy with college and everything. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'

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