Chapter 17

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"What did I tell you yesterday huh?" Bradley says with sympathy in his voice and a bit of humour.

"That I would get sick." I croak out in defeat laying my head on his shoulder after he picked me up on his hip.

"And what have we learnt from this?" He asks in a calm but slightly stern voice.

"To listen, when being told something." I say slightly whimpering at the thought of him still being mad at me.

"Hey no need to cry, your not being told off and I'm not angry at you." Bradley says whilst hugging me tightly.

I hug back with as much energy as I could before pulling back and coughing so badly that my tears start to tear up.

"Bradley?" I mumble.

"Yeah bud?" He says quietly walking into the kitchen.

"My throat hurts." I say to him, just swallowing feels like I'm swallowing nails.

"I'll get you a strepsil." (If you don't know what a strepsil is, it helps relieve discomfort in the mouth and throat.) He replies, giving me to Braden who followed us down. Braden walks into the living room and sits on the couch with me sitting sideways on his lap.

"Thank you." I mumble quietly after Bradley hands me the strepsil. After it is gone my throat doesn't feel as bad anymore. "What's the time?" I ask my voice slurring a little as I can feel myself getting tired.

"It's 7:25 am, why don't you get some sleep huh?" He says. I nod my head letting Braden lay me on the couch, placing my black blanket over me. I drift to sleep to the sound of the tv playing.

****** A few hours later ******

I slowly awaken to the sounds of people talking and laughing around me. I open my eyes to see my brothers sitting on the couch. 

They don't notice I'm awake until a sneeze works its way out of me. But I do feel slightly better after the medication I was given earlier.

"Hey bud, how are you feeling?" Braden asks softly, smoothing my hair comfortingly.

I smile tiredly and lean into him more, clearing my throat before talking, "A little better." I reply, keeping my eyes open that are trying to close, because come on, having someone run their fingers through your hair is really nice.

"Good, do you want some soup?" Braden asks, just as Bradley comes into the living room with a bowl.

"Yes please." I say, coughing slightly after as I feel my throat tickle. "Thank you." I say gratefully to Bradley.

"Your welcome bud." He replies with a smile, before helping me sit up and lean against him as I eat my soup, sighing as I feel it sooth my throat.

"What time is it?" I ask out loud to no one in specific.

"It's about half 12." Replies Noah looking up from his phone. I nod my head, I've been asleep for a while then.

Once I've finished the soup, I lay my head in Bradley's lap watching the tv that has a baseball game on.

His hand keeps running through my hair and as much as I'm focused on the game, I can't help but let my eyes close just listening to all the sounds around me.

After laying there for maybe half an hour I sit up and decide to take a shower.

"I'm going to take a shower." I announce to no one on particular.

"Yell if you need anything." Braden says. I reply with an 'ok' before going up stairs. I grab some black nike shorts with a grey t-shirt and some boxers with some fluffy blue socks.

After showering, I feel a lot better and refreshed.

"What took you so long?" Asks Landon in a teasing tone, as I sit next to him on the couch.

"I didn't take that long." I reply sticking my tongue out at him, I hear the guys laughing at my childish ways.

"You was in there for ages." He says with a playful smirk on his face.


"Ok stop both of you." Bradley says to us, we both give him a cheeky smile before turning our attention to the tv.

Landon nudges my side when Bradley isn't looking and whispers, "You so were." Which causes me to playfully glare at him.

"If I wasn't so ill I would hit you," I grumble, jokingly.

Landon laughs at me, ruffling my hair, "Sure you would Blakey. Sure you would." I roll my eyes in mock annoyance before breaking out into a smile.

I never really understood how in films when it was the perfect happy moment something always went wrong. And I'm not too sure if this is the moment when everything goes wrong or not but I couldn't help but feel a little anxious when the door is suddenly opened and slammed shut.

It went silent except for the footsteps that could be heard, stopping in the living room doorway.


****** Authors Note ******

Thank you so much for 1k votes on this book, I really appreciate it. I did not think that I would ever get any votes at all, it's incredible so thank you all again for the votes and the comments.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'.

- Jade ☺️

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