Chapter 18

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It went silent except for the footsteps that could be heard, stopping in the living room doorway.


Dad's home? I spin my head around to look at him, and a huge smile falls onto my face as I jump up and quickly run over to him. He catches me in his arms and chuckles, allowing me to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"I missed you too bud," He laughs, hugging me just as tight as I hug him. "I missed you all."

"Shouldn't have be gone so long then," Landon smiles, also hugging us.

The others join in soon enough, resulting in a group hug. "Yeah Dad, shouldn't be gone so long," Braden adds in a weird tone, but that's probably because he's being squished by everyone.

The hug soon comes to an end just as I start coughing. Everyone immediately let's go, not wanting to catch my cold.

"Aww is my baby sick?" My Dad asks once I finally stopped having a coughing fit.

"Yeah and I'm not a baby!" I mumble shoving my head into his chest, I hear my brothers laughing.

"You'll always be my baby!" He says, holding me closer to him and rubbing my back soothingly.

I grumble into his chest before relaxing against my dad, feeling exhausted once again.

I feel my dad take a seat on the couch whilst feeling a blanket being put over me, thus making my eyes become heavier.

"How have you all been then?" Dad asks gently, probably thinking I'm asleep.

"Don't know why you ask, it's not like you actually care." I'm not sure which one of my brothers said that but I'm too tired to figure out what it means As I'm already falling to asleep again.

****** Braden's POV ******

When my dad comes back downstairs after taking Blake to bed. I narrow my eyes as my brothers do the same.

"Finally decided to come home then?"

"Look, I didn't expect to be gone so long but I'm home now right? That's all that matters." My dad says as if leaving your 5 kids alone at home for more than a month is normal.

"That's all that matters?! No! You don't get to come home and start acting like a father after being away for nearly two months. You didn't even have the decency to call us when you were away on business."

"Hey! Don't you dare shout at me. You know I've been working so I can provide for yo- "

"No! You know we don't need any more money, you just don't want to take responsibility of us so you go off to different places living your life as if we don't exist. It's fine but just so you know Blake doesn't even think you love him because you're never here, he thinks it's his fault you aren't home all the time." I say leaving the room, I can't take anymore of him right now.

****** 3hours later 5:23pm ******

****** Blake's POV ******

The next time I wake up, I'm in my bed and feeling a lot better.

Wrapping my blanket around my shoulders like a cape. Walking down the stairs I hop off of the last two making my way to the living room.

"Hey." I say to everyone in the room while slumping down on the couch.

"Hey, how are you feeling? Any better?" Bradley asks as I lean into his side.

"Yeah a little thanks. I think having that nap helped although I've still got a runny nose, my throats still a bit sore and the coughs still there." I say croaking due to having coughed so much earlier.

"Aw that's not good, hopefully you'll feel better soon." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

Looking around I realise that I don't see dad anywhere.

"Um where's dad?" I ask no one in particular, there's a bit of panic in my voice as I think about him leaving already to go on another business trip without saying goodbye.

"He's in the study." Braden says with annoyance.

"Oh ok." I say with relief but also feeling sad that even though he's back home it doesn't feel like he's actually here

I shouldn't be upset considering he does this every time he comes home, it's work, work, work for him. Never having the time to spend with my brothers and I.

Sometimes I wonder if he even wanted to have us, seeing as he doesn't bother with us and I know that he has to work to provide for us but he should still make some time for us without doing any work, it's not like we need the money anyway.

"Hey cheer up, are we not good enough for you now?" Brody asks on a teasing tone whilst leaning towards me.

"Hmm, nope not anymore." I tease back. Although I probably shouldn't have done that seeing as where that's gotten me now.

"Oh are we not huh?" He says all the while pinning me against Braden's lap getting Braden to hold my hands above my head.

"N-" I don't even get to finish before his fingers are digging into my sides.

"St-op please! Yo-you are eno-enough?" I all but squeal out. A very manly squeal though.

"So we're enough then, huh? Are you sure?" Braden says teasingly.

"Yes, yes I'm sure! 100%." I beg.

I'm let go of but quickly pulled into a head lock.

"Hey! Let go, I've said your enough already." I say laughing.

"We know but we haven't annoyed you lately..." Braden says, whilst Brody is smirking at me from in front of me.

"Stop! No don't! Pleasee! I'll do anything!" I beg them, already regretting saying those words.

"Anything?" Brody asks.

"Um y-yes." I hesitated because they could make me do anything.

****** Authors Note ******

I'm back!

I'm sorry for not having uploaded in a while, I'll be honest with you I haven't had much motivation to do this book.

But I'm going to try and upload more chapters, I haven't wrote them yet so bare with me, I can't tell you when I'm going to upload next because I'm not sure when I'll have the next chapter done.


- Jade

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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