Chapter 3

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Two weeks after Blake fell.

Blake's POV

Waking up this morning for like the 6th time, I decided to just stop trying to fall back to sleep, which I didn't get much of because I wasn't feeling that well.

So I went downstairs with my fluffy blanket wrapped around me with some black joggers and one of Braden's hoodies that comes down near my knees, but it's really warm and cosy so I don't really care, plus my brothers hoodies are really comfortable.

I plop down on the couch and wrap my blanket around me like a cocoon and lay down, now feeling exhausted. After a few minutes of laying on the couch I slowly fall into a slumber.

About 2 hours later: it's 10 o'clock in the morning.

****** Landon's POV ******

I walk downstairs and into the living room to see Blake wrapped up in his fluffy black blanket. I go over towards the couch but I stop when I see that Blake has sweat on his forehead but he's shaking as if he's freezing, as I get closer I see that he is really pale.

"Blake?" I call him as I shake him softly. "Hey, Blake wake up." After a minute or too I see Blake flutter his eyes open then he lets out a groan.

****** Blake's POV ******

Groaning, I open my eyes slightly trying to avoid the light as it stings my eyes. "W-what?" I croak out to Landon, only now realising how sore and dry my throat is. "You alright Blake?" He asks me with concern lacing his voice and his face. "No I feel like crap." I manage to croak out.

Slowly sitting up I feel a headache coming, "Mmhngh" I mumble at the pain. "What's wrong?" Landon asks me as he sits down next to me and lets me lean my head against his shoulder. "I don't feel too good, I have a headache, my throat hurts, I feel really cold and my stomach hurts too." I say with tears forming in my eyes. "Aww I'll go get Bradley." Landon says as he gets up to go get out older brother. "Ok." I reply just above a whisper.

"Hey bud. " Bradley says as he walks over and puts the back of his hand to my forehead. "Hi" I mumble back. "Aww you've got a fever, Landon can you go get the thermometer please?" "Yeah sure." Landon replies as he gets up to get the thermometer. "Thanks." Bradley says.

"Bradley I don't feel so good." As soon as I say that, I begin to feel sick coming up. I get up as fast as I can, which isn't very fast might I say and just made it in time to the toilet as I throw up, again and again. Before I slouch down against the toilet, I feel someone rubbing my back in slow, gently circles.

I feel tears roll down my pale cheeks. "Shh-shh, your alright." Bradley says as he pulls me onto his lap. I look up and see Landon and Braden by the sink and Noah standing by the door, they all have a concerning look on there faces.

I begin to feel tired as my tears slowly stop. Bradley picks me up and helps me brush my teeth then carries me to the living room where he wraps me up in my blanket and lays me down on the couch. I fall into a comfortable sleep with my head placed on Noah's lap.

****** A few hours later ******

I slowly wake up to feel a wet wash cloth on my forehead. "Well look who's finally awake." Noah says as he looks down at me. "Hi." I say to him as I look around the room now seeing that Landon is sitting on the other couch on his phone.

"You feeling any better?" Noah asks me as I sit up and lean against him and he wraps his arm around me. "Yeah a lot more than I was." I reply with a small smile towards him. "That's good then." He says, whilst smiling back.

Braden comes into the living room holding a glass of water and some medicine, he then looks at me. "Hey buddy, how you feeling?" "Im okay thanks." I reply back to Braden, as I tell the truth because my stomach doesn't hurt so much anymore.

"Good, here's some water because you've got to stay hydrated and some medicine to help you feel better." He says handing them to me. "Can I just drink the water?" I ask him hopefully as the medicine is disgusting, and giving him the puppy eyes. "No Blake you want to feel better right?" I nod "Then take the Medicine." Braden tells me sternly.

With a sigh I take the medicine giving a disgusted face at the taste which causes Noah, Braden and Landon to laugh.

"It's not funny." I say pouting. "It is Blakey." Noah tells me. "Hmph" pouting even more and laying back down on Noah, just as Bradley walks through the door way with some toast.

"Sit up bud, you've got to try and eat something." Bradley says to me. I slowly sit back up, as the smell of toast makes me realise that I'm a bit hungry now, after not eating for the day.

I eat the toast then go to the bathroom and brush my teeth and then lay back on the couch with my head on Braden this time and my feet on Bradley, who then lays a blanket on me. I then fall to sleep feeling much better than I did and having my brothers with me.

****** Authors Note ******

I'm so sorry for not uploading I was having a hard time with what to write. But here it is, thank you for reading and I'll try and upload more often, keep reading for more of Blake and his 4 older protective brothers.

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