Chapter 12

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The doctor nods thoughtfully before asking Bradley to step outside so they could have a talk.

Bradley POV

The doctor asks me to step outside, I'm slightly worried that it may be something bad. Before jumping to conclusions the doctor begins to speak.

"Based on Blake's answers I think it'd be best if he went to therapy for a couple of sessions as these things tend to leave trauma, then we'll see how it goes from there." After that I mull it over coming to the conclusion that it is the best thing for him at the time being. I say a thanks to the doctor before going back into the room and deciding how I'm going to break the news to the guys.

I walk back into the hospital room. Everyone that's in there look over towards me. "Hey guys." I get many 'Hi' and 'Heys' from the guys. I look at the bed where I see Blake sitting on Braden's lap, I send a smile towards Blake and get a small one in return.

"Can I have a word with my brothers please, if you don't mind?" I ask our friends. I get a few 'yeahs'. Once everyone other than my brothers left the hospital room I then begin. "So the doctor has said you'll be able to go home soon but has explained that it would be best for you to go to therapy a few times and then see how you've progressed." I give a small smile at the end when Blake nods slowly as if trying to make sense of the information.

Blake's POV

"So the doctor has said you'll be able to go home soon but has explained that it would be best for you to go to therapy a few times and then see how you've progressed." As I'm thinking about it, I realise that it would be the best option, nodding my head I ask with a slight smile, "When can I leave?" "I'll go ask." Replies Bradley.

About 15 minutes later I'm in the car, sitting in the middle seat with my head resting on Landon's shoulder while he has his arm wrapped around me.

The images of what happened keep flashing in front of my eyes making my heart pound and my body tremble. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to get that mans head out of my face, his rough hands on my body, his-"Blake, are you okay?" Landon asks me gently, the concern in his voice making me glance up and look into his soft eyes.

Putting on a small smile, I nod. "Yeah." but he can tell I'm not. "His face just keeps popping up..." my small voice replies. "It'll be okay, you can go to your therapy sessions and everything will be alright." His voice holds some anger and disappointment, but I know that it's directed at himself. I nod again, "Okay."

"Has anyone told Dad yet?" I ask quietly.  "Oh shit, I'll ring him when we get home." Says Braden. Nodding I let myself relax into Landon.

Bradley's POV

I look over towards my baby brother with a pained expression thinking of all the ways I could've stopped this from happening.

Braden glances at me smiling softly to try and ease the guilt but I know that it was partly my fault for not paying more attention to Blake. I give a slight smile back but my eyes say something different.

When we pull into our driveway I carry Blake into the house and sit on the sofa with him on my lap, cradling him into my chest, muttering 'I'm sorry'. I hear a small "it's not your fault Brad." mumbled against my chest. I tighten my arms around Blake's small frame against my large one.

About 10 minutes later I can feel Blake's breathing even out, meaning he has fallen to sleep. I relax slightly leaning against the back of the couch in a more comfortable position, not wanting to let go of my brother any time soon.

Just as I'm about to drift off myself, Landon, Noah and Braden walk into the living room. "Bradley can we talk outside please?" Asks Braden. "I don't want to leave him alone." I say quietly as to not wake Blake up. Landon puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner before telling me he'll stay with him.

I agree reluctantly, passing the sleeping boy that I call my baby brother over to Landon and walking into the kitchen with Noah and Braden.

Noah and Braden sit opposite me at the table, exchanging a weird look before Braden starts "Bradley I need you to know that this isn't your fault, nor is it mine or anyone else's other than that vile, old mans fault. None of us knew that that was going to happen and blaming yourself isn't going help this situation anymore."

I look down at my hands remembering what I saw and what I did before mumbling. "I should've known, I should have noticed something was off with that man before he went into the toilets and now Blake could be traumatised for life because of me." Braden sighs heavily, his eyes determined eyes meeting mine. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't know. You couldn't have known. Stop putting unnecessary blame on yourself because that's not going to help anyone." His firm but somehow soft words start to slowly register in my mind before I think that it wasn't all my fault but I'll still feel guilty know matter what but in reality I grumble a small "Ok."

Noah smiles at me to which I return the gesture making it seem as real as possible and then saying a more confident 'Ok' to make it more believable.


Hey it's Jade, sorry for such a late update. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters. Again so sorry for the late update.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'

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