Chapter 5 - Part 2

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****** A few hours after they arrive at the hospital ******

Blake's POV

I wake up slowly to see that I'm in a white room and I can hear beeping to my left side, I turn my head slowly and see that my brothers are in the room and are in a deep conversation that they haven't noticed me yet.

"H-hey" I croak out now realising how dry my throat feels. "Blake! Blake are you okay?" "Oh my god are you alright?" "Does anything hurt?" They all ask at the same time. "I'm ok, ca-can I ha-ave some wat-water pl-ease?" I manage to croak out. " oh yeah. Here" Landon says as he pours me a drink and brings it up to my lips with a straw in it.

I go to sit up but I'm stopped "nu uh your not aloud to move around because you might hurt your ribs" Landon says. "The doctor said that you have 2 broken ribs on your left side and 1 on your right and you have shattered your bone in your right wrist as well." Bradley explains to me.

I didn't even notice that I had a black cast on my arm that stops just below my elbow but not over it so I can still bend it but I also only just noticed the hospital gown that I'm wearing.

"Oh right. Thanks" I say. Then drink some water as Noah comes over to the bed and rises it up a little for me to drink without choking on the water.
"No problem" Landon says whilst holding the cup for me. "I'll go get the doctor and tell him you've woken up." Branden says as he heads to the door.

"How long was I out for?" I ask no one in particular. "Only a couple of hours" Bradley tells me. "A couple of hours! Oh my god. Are my friends ok? Their not hurt are they?" I ask my brothers beginning to hyperventilate as I begin to worry if Tommy and his friends hurt them. "Hey, hey, hey Blake listen to me you've got to calm down alright? Just calm down." Noah tells me as he puts my head on his chest.

I slowly calm down listening to Noah's steady heart beat. "They're ok, your the one we should be worried about, you got banged up pretty bad." Bradley says. "So there ok?" I ask checking again. "Yes there fine Blake" Landon replies.

Just as I was about to ask my brothers something the door opened and Braden and the doctor walked in.  "Hello Blake, how are you feeling?" The Doctor asks me as he walks to the end of the bed and checks some paper. "My ribs hurt and so does my arm." I say as I lay my head on the pillow. "Ok, I'll go and get you some pain killers to help with the pain." "Ok" I reply. "When can he leave?" Braden asks the doctor just as he was about to leave. "He should be okay to leave once we've done the check up to make sure everything's fine." The doctor answers my brother. "Alright."

As soon as the doctor leaves Bradley turns to me with a stern look and I know exactly what he's going to ask me. But I really don't want to answer it now or to be honest ever. "Why did Drake beat you up?" Bradley says in a tone that means 'don't even think about lying'. "Um- uh well uh-" I try and think of something but nothing comes to my mind. "Blake." Braden says this time with the same expression as Bradley but a little more sternly if possible. "Ugh fine, he's been beating me up since last year, I don't know why he just has. He's the bully in my school and I couldn't tell you guys because he said he would make me regret it." I say now having tears rolling down my face.

I suddenly feels strong arms wrap around and I just cry harder into there chest. After a couple of minutes the door opens and the person that I now know was Bradley hugging me lays by my side as I look up to see who came in, it was the doctor.

"Alright here is some pain killers and some other medicine that Blake will have to have every day for 2 weeks" he handed me 2 pain killers and then my other medicine which is in a bag to Braden.


After the Doctor finished doing a check up and explained what the medicine was for. I was then allowed to go home. "Bradley?" "Hmm" "can you help me up please so I can get dressed?"I ask him. "Yeah" he replies. I slowly got up with Bradley's arms around my waist so I don't fall and he helped me to the bathroom. "Do you need help getting dressed?" Bradley asks me once we get in the bathroom. "Uh um yeah please" I mumble back slightly embarrassed.

Finally after getting dressed with the help of Bradley and a whole lot of embarrassment, I was then put a wheelchair waiting for Braden to sign the papers so I can leave.

When we get to the car Noah picks me up and puts me in the middle seat whilst Landon sits on my right and Noah on my left.

"You all ready?" Bradley says once we've all buckled in. "Yep" I say popping the 'p' excited to finally be going home.

The whole car ride I had fallen asleep with my head resting in Landon's lap and my legs rested on Noah's lap.

****** Landon's POV *****

As the car stops I look out the window to see that we are home. I lightly shake Blake's shoulders to wake him up, he groans slightly then turns trying to go back to sleep. "Wake up Blake " I say as I begin to lift him up. "Hmm, what?" He says tiredness laced in his voice. "We're home!" Bradley shouts.

I give Blake a piggy back ride to the living room where we all sit down and start to watch a movie into the night.

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