Chapter 14

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I walk over to the table and take a seat next to Braden. "Hey is that my hoodie?" Asks Landon, I give a nod with a smile on my face and he mocks anger. "It looks better on me." I reply cheekily, with a laugh. This makes everyone laugh as well.

"Oh yeah, you look so cute Blakey." Says Noah, in a teasing manner. "What? No I don't look 'cute' I look manly." I say while just my hands as quotation marks on the word 'cute'. "No, no defiantly cute." "Yep, I agree with Noah." Says Landon and then "Your adorable too." This was said by Bradley and then Braden says "yeah, I've got to agree with you being cute and adorable, you're like a cuddly teddy bear." "No! That's things you'd say about a baby, not a 12 year old boy!" I exclaimed with a pout. "Aw but Blakey you're our baby brother." This time Braden says this. They all have smiles on there faces and I realise that I am so thankful that I have them as my brothers.

"Whatever." I say in mock annoyance. I get up and walk over to the cupboard and getting some cereal out, then I get a bowl and some milk from the fridge, once I've done all of that I sit at the table and eat my breakfast, whilst listening to my brothers talk.

"Right, Blake you've got an appointment to see the therapist at half 1 today, so once you've finished your breakfast we'll head out." Braden's tells me.

I nod my head and continue to eat, I'm a little nervous to be seeing a therapist but I guess it would help.

Braden smiles at me gently, sensing my nervousness, and it calms me slightly. "Are you ready?" He asks me, once I've place my now empty bowl in the sink.
"Yeah." I respond and then follow him to the car.

"Bye guys, love yous." I say before leaving. "Bye." "See you later." "Bye." And off of them all "Love you too." Are the responses I get.

"You'll be okay." Braden ensures me as he starts up the car. "I'll be right there outside the door if you need me anyway."

"Okay." I stare out the window of the car as we make our way to the therapists. And it doesn't take us long to get there.

The building is tall and scary looking and I can't help but to hold onto Braden's hand as we walk up to the reception area. Braden squeezes my hand as he says my name to the receptionist and she tells us the room number and where to find it.

I take an anxious breath in before following Braden who keeps muttering encouraging words to me as we walk down the plain corridors. "Remember, I'm just outside."

With a big smile from Braden, I'm called into the office. I give a small smile back to him before making my way into the room, and the first thing that I notice is that it's very colourful in here, nothing like outside.

And then I notice the woman at the desk who smiles gently at me and tells me to take a seat. I do so, letting her introduce herself, "Hello, I'm Sara Rellicks, and I'm your therapist." she smiles again. I say a small "Hi." Back and she continues on. "So Blake, how are you feeling at the moment?"

"A little panicked and freaked out but scared at the same time."

She nods before asking me some questions, "How well do you remember the incident?"

I frown down at the table, "So well to the point that I can still feel his hands on me," I whisper, shivering in disgust, wishing I could just clear my mind.

She writes something down before looking back at me and asks "Okay... can you tell me how that made you feel?"

Pulling the sleeves of my brothers jumper over my hands, I shrug. "Scared. I didn't know what he was going to do to me, I don't know why he wanted to-I felt weak and like I couldn't protect myself." I hate not being able to protect myself.

Sara smiles sympathetically at me as she takes notes. "It's okay to feel that way, but how do you feel now? After it's happened?"

How do I feel now? "Unsafe, I don't know..."

"The feeling will pass. Have you been sleeping well since it happened? Having any panic attacks?"

"I sleep okay..." I pause to think, I do feel kind of panicky. "I feel panicky a lot. But I feel safe when I'm at home with my brothers around me." I admit.

She once again makes some notes before smiling gently. "Okay, that's all we have time for today, but every time you feel panicky just take a deep breath and look around you, focus on the things that will tie you back to what's real. And if you have any problems with sleeping then you tell me and I'll maybe give you something for it."

With that said, she leads me to the door and offers to speak with Braden who tells me to wait on the seats.

I do as told and sit down, hugging myself as I wait for my brother to get back. Which doesn't take long at all and before we know it we're on the way back home. "Hey, you okay?" Braden asks.

"Um kinda, can I have a hug?" I ask as I stand up off of the uncomfortable chairs. "Of course Blake, you don't have to ask." Braden says as he engulfs me in a much needed hug. "You are so brave, you know that." He mumbles into my hair, I don't answer not know what to really say.

"How about we get some ice cream on the way home?" How does that sound?" He asks, trying be to brighten my mood. Which works, "Yes Please..." I mumble from the crook of his neck as he picks we up. I'm starting to feel better already.

****** Authors Note ******

Hey guys, sorry for late updates, I don't have a certain date that I upload I just do it when I've finished it.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'.

Jade ☺️

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