Chapter 16

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Blake's POV

This morning the toilet paper has been my best friend, not literally. I've had a runny nose since I've woken up, as well as sneezing every so often, making my headache worsen every-time and a sore throat.

I have been awake for what feels like hours, just laying here, in bed trying to fall back to sleep. But with this dreadful pounding in my head and stuffiness in my nose I doubt I'll be able to go back to sleep anytime soon.

I'm not even sure what time it is but with the moon light still shining through the gap in the curtain I'm pretty certain it's late... or really early in the morning.

So Bradley was right about getting a cold for staying in the water for too long... but he also said that if I do get a cold I better not go to him... so maybe Landon can help me.

I decide to get out of my comfy bed and go to Landon's room. "Landon?" I say quietly.

But unsurprisingly he's still asleep, and maybe I should let him rest. I'll just back out of the room quietly and go back to my own.

Well, that was the plan anyway, but a sudden tickle in my nose and a loud sneeze coming from me has Landon practically shooting from his bed in a fright.

"I'm sorry!" I hoarsely, concealing a cough.

Landons eyes land on me and as he takes in my appearance, he looks worried. "Blake, what's wrong?"

"Um, I'm not feeling well." I say with a sniffle at the end.

"Aww come here, I'll go get you some medicine, just lay in here." He says getting out of bed and putting on some joggers.

"Ok." I mumble back as I drag myself to his bed that looks really comfortable and warm.

Snuggling up to the covers, my heavy eyelids slowly start to close and I find myself drifting off to sleep.

****** Landon's POV ******

I walk back into my room to see my only little brother asleep on the bed wrapped up in the covers, I walk over to him and gently place my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. Feeling it warm I retract my hand and go to Braden's room not hesitating for a second as I walk in and gently shake him awake.

"Sorry to wake you up but Blake's got a cold and possibly a fever, he felt really warm." I say softly to him, worrying a little because I don't really know what to do.

"Alright I'll go check on him, thanks for telling me." He replies with sleep evidently in his voice.

"He's in my room." I say while we walk towards my door. As we enter my room I see Blake drenched in sweat yet shivering at the same time, but as we get closer we can hear how congested he sounds.

Braden goes over to Blake and gently shakes him awake. "Hey Blake, wake up, come on babe." He says in a caring voice.

Groaning, Blake wakes up and abruptly sits up coughing violently."shh shh shhh, it's okay, your alright." Braden tells him while I rub his back in soft circular motions.

Once Blake has calmed down, Braden gives Blake some medicine and then takes his temperature, only see that it is 99.4 which isn't too bad but it's not great either.

"I'll go get a wash cloth and a bowl of cold water." I mumble, giving Blake a once over before quickly leaving the room. Only to return moments later with a small bowl of cold water with ice cubes in it and a wash cloth. Also realising that Blake has fallen back to sleep again.

Braden smiles gratefully at me as he takes the wash cloth and dips it in the water before placing it on Blake's forehead.

Blake's POV

I whimper as I feel something cold being placed to my head, shivering as a chill runs down my spine. I reach to grab the covers and pull them closer to me, but this cold has made me weak and I can't lift it high enough, making me give out another small whimper.

"It's alright, here you go." I hear some whisper as I am engulfed with heat.

"Mhmm." I welcome the heat with a sign. Gentle circular movements on my back has me leaning towards whomever it is.

They give a breathy chuckle and place a small kiss to my temple, a nice gesture that puts a small smile on my face. At some point I feel myself drifting off to sleep, welcoming it with open arms.

Braden's POV

"Why don't you go sleep on Blake's bed?" I suggest once Blake is a sleep, realising that it's only 3:37 am.

He nods replying with a quiet "Ok, night."

"Night." When he's gone, I make myself comfortable next to Blake. Every so often soaking the cloth in the cold water then reapplying it to his forehead then to his neck.

****** Blake's POV ******

When I woke up next I was laying half on top of Braden and half on the bed. I try to gently get off of Braden so I don't wake him up but as I support myself on my arms I realise just how weak I actually feel.

My arms give out and Braden wakes up immediately. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks.

"No." I cry out, feeling terrible and just wanting this feeling to go away. He begins to hug me while rubbing my back. He shushes me, "let's give you some medicine again yeah?" I nod my head letting him sit himself up and leaning me against his chest once again.

"I need to go to the toilet." I hoarse out coughing slightly and sniffling.

"Ok." Once I make it to the toilet with the help of my brother I do my business then steadily making my way to the sink, I lean slightly against it whilst washing my hands.

Looking in the mirror I see that I have dark circles under my eyes and my cheeks are a candy floss colour. I splash a bit of water on my face then dry my hands and face off.

"You ok in there?" Braden asks from outside of the bathroom.

"Yeah." I say opening the door, "Why don't you take a shower, it might make you feel a little better." He asks me, I nod then turn around and walk back in, leaving the door slightly ajar. " I'll go get you something to wear."

I get in the shower using the wall for support before cleaning myself. Sitting myself in the bath I relax under the cool water, my head dropping every so item to keep myself awake. I hear the door being pushed open and I slowly open my eyes seeing just a blurry figure before my eyesight focused, I was able to see Braden and Bradley standing in the doorway before coming over to me.

I was too tired and weak to protest as they saw me in the shower, so I just let them dry me and put some clothes on for me, which was some shorts and an oversized T-shirt, which I'm guessing is one of there's being how big it was on me.

"What did I tell you yesterday huh?" Bradley says with sympathy in his voice and a bit of humour.

"That I would get sick." I croak out in defeat laying my head on his shoulder after he picked me up on his hip.

****** Authors Note ******

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment what you'd like to see in future chapters.

Keep reading to see what happens next on '4 Older Protective Brothers'.

Jade ☺️

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