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HI!! Thank you for clicking onto this fic and hopefully, you'll enjoy it. Feel free to skip certain ones and comment any ideas you want to be written. Byeeee
A/n: slight mention of abuse, sorry but I'll try and keep it to a minimum. I'm always here to talk to anyone if you ever need someone to talk too.

Ron POV:
I can't believe what I just heard. Harry and Hermione are coming here for summer but so is Draco Malfoy. The Draco, arch nemesis, thinks he's the best, hates my girlfriend because of her parents, Malfoy. Harry will be here in an hour and when he hears about this, he'll kill someone, hopefully, it'll be Malfoy. 
"And he's going to have to stay in the spare room with Harry. Hermione can go in with Ginny." My mother said. 
"WHAT!" I shouted. My parents looked over at me, 
"Ronald don't shout!" My mother scolded. 
"Harry can stay with me and Draco can stay in that room by himself," I said angrily. 
"There's no room on your floor for Harry and all his stuff." My father said. I stared at him like he was crazy. 
"He's stayed there before!" I protested. 
"You're grown men now, you wouldn't fit." My mother stated back. 
"Malfoys a grown man too!" I replied. "Harry can stay in Percy's old room." My mother shook her head, 
"what if he comes and visits?" She said. I rolled my eyes, 
"you're going to see him in two weeks, why would he visit?" I spat. 
"Ronald there is no room in the house, the sleeping arrangements are staying how they are, if you have a problem, take it up with the ministry." My mother shouted before walking off. I made my way over to the parchment, 
"don't even think about it." My father warned before leaving as well.

There was a knock at the door and everyone came rushing downstairs. 
"HARRY!" I shouted before being pushed out the way by Ginny. She squealed and hugged him. "Uh hi, Ginny. Um, Ron?" He said while silently pleading me for help. I dragged Ginny off him. "Hiya mate, Hermione will be here in an hour or so," I said while taking his bags and leading him to the stairs. 
"Why is she staying with us again?" He asked as he dragged Hedwig and another bag behind him. 
"Her parents are at some toothbrush convention or something for the remaining five weeks so she had no one to stay with except for some aunt in Australia," I said. He nodded as we got to my room. 
"Well if you're gonna get it on, inform me and I'll sleep next door." He said with a laugh. I smiled awkwardly. 
"Well the thing is mate...you are sleeping next door and I don't think you'll like the sleeping arrangements," I said awkwardly. 
"Has your mum put with me with Ginny, I like Ginny and that but only as a friend. She's not my...type." He said. 
"No not Ginny. We have a guest staying with us." I said. 
"Who?" He replied. 

After what felt like five years of Harry shouting questions and me replying with I know mate but apparently his parents are busy or yup I agree his father would never agree but the ministry said at least a thousand times, Harry calmed down. I helped move his stuff to his new room and we heard a familiar female downstairs. 
"HERMIONE!" I shouted as I sprinted down the stairs and engulfed her in a hug, earning me a lot of looks from my family. 
"Oh um hi Ronald. Um hi, Harry." She said awkwardly while blushing. 
"Don't be embarrassed dear, I think you're sweet and perfect for our Ron. Hopefully, you'll knock some sense into the boy." My mum said. I scowled at Fred and George, knowing that they were the ones who told my mum. 
"Draco will be here soon and I just want to say be nice. Leave all grudges at Hogwarts. He's going through some family problems at the moment so at least be civil. Harry, I'm sorry for the sleeping arrangements but it was the best we could do." My mother said while looking at Harry sympathetically. 
"It's okay, I understand. Maybe it'll be good somehow?" He said. She nodded, 
"let's be like Harry and look at the bright side of things. Okay go and unpack." She said while shooing us away.

Harry POV:
Fuck my entire life. I'm sharing a room with Draco Malfoy. I'd rather share a room with Snape! I led on the floor of Ginny's room as Hermione unpacked. 
"I still don't see why Malfoy staying with you. Even the ministry know that that's a war waiting to happen." Hermione said as she placed some folded clothes in a drawer. Ron grumbled something as he led on the makeshift bed on the floor. 
"Hermione, I won't tell if you go into Ron's room at night, but tell me you know how to cast a silencing charm?" Ginny said as she looked up from her book. Hermione turned a deep shade of scarlet as Ron shot her a dirty look. 
"Nice to know we've got your permission." He spat sarcastically. We heard a small bang from outside and a knock on the door. 
"Well here lies the death of a perfect day," I said as we went and gathered at the top of the stairs. 

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